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Im losing my mind right now... pls help me fight my cravings

Im on my 4th day of IF (16:8) & CICO. Today is the first day i’m having problems. I want nothing more than to stuff my face with a bag of popcorn right now. I think it’s a combination of my upcoming menstrual cycle, plus im currently studying for an exam & i’m pretty tired from the calorie deficit.

I’m trying to fight the urge with every ounce of my being! I’ve exhausted my coffee/tea/water limits, and was wondering if you guys had any other drink suggestions?

specifically, i’m wondering if Zevia will break my fast, i keep seeing a lot of mixed opinions on this.

Generally speaking, however, how do you get through the rough days/PMS cravings?


Edit: Thank you all so much for your comments and advice, you guys are amazing! So glad to have found this community!

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Unpopular opinion (and I accept the incoming downvotes): once the eating window starts, eat the popcorn. Eat it as a meal replacement (you’re on PMS -it’s OK) or together with your healthy meal.

It can be one handful, one cup or 1 bag - just don’t overeat. Eat to satisfy the cravings, not to overindulge.

You can tell yourself during the fasting window “I’ll eat the popcorn later” and look forward to actually eating it. It might help change the way your mind works and instead of being “crazed” with cravings, you’ll be excited to finish your fasting and having your popcorn.


I find seltzer water weirdly, briefly filling. The more sharp the better, so really mild stuff like la croix doesn’t work as well as something with more carbonation like topo chico or Perrier. Doesn’t last very long but it gets me through a craving very well.


Everyone’s giving good advice but I want to address your question about the zevia. It will not hinder your weight loss. Sugar free sodas are a fine way to ease into fasting. Use them as long as you need them. I drank a bang energy drink every SINGLE day for 6 months when I first started fasting. I needed a crutch. I rarely drink them now but when I do, it’s always the week of my period when I’m suffering and need a pick-me-up. Find a fasting routine that works for you and stick to it. Don’t listen to the nitpickers


I’d up your protein or healthy fats, they keep you full longer and eat slower. It’s been harder for me to get back on track after thanksgiving because I allowed myself to eat what I haven’t for a year, so I’m basically going through withdrawal but I’m keeping that tunnel vision! Good luck 👍


My PMS go-tos with IF are: chocolate rooibos tea (Numi is my favorite) for chocolate cravings - they make one with high caffeine and one with no caffeine. peppermint tea to help with upset stomach peanut butter + cacao chips with greek yogurt super filling chocolate fix

As far as avoiding the popcorn — enjoy it during your eating window!

activities like painting my nails, gua sha, video games, puzzles, etc. has been very helpful during my evening fasting window. I’m a recovering late-night snacker and I’ve really enjoyed finding actual hobbies during my free time instead of defaulting to snacking. It takes time, but the cravings will subside soon!


It gets easier with time! Stick with it. Make sure you fuel yourself good for the fast. I stop at 6pm and eat even though I might not feel really hungry. If I don’t I struggle. Then I drink water the rest of the night which keeps me full.

If you have to break it go for low glycemic foods, berries etc. that way you aren’t spiking insulin and making it worse.


I don’t have any really great suggestions for those times when the wave hits you other than to say - it’s just a feeling. The more you do this the more you’ll be able to kind of just accept that you’re going through a wave, it’s only temporary, it will subside.

I think there are times we’re all ready to gnaw our own arm off. Yes, use all the little tricks as far as water, tea, coffee - they all work to varying degrees. But sometimes it just hits you and there’s nothing you can do except embrace it, realize that’s the work, and that you’ll be rewarded on the other end.

I don’t really have an opinion on things like Zevia. I think there’s debate out there, but I’m not convinced on the evidence that non-nutritional sweeteners break fasts or anything like that. I would say if you think it would help, try it out.


Currently eating popcorn while reading this and let me tell you: depending on what kind of popcorn you choose, it can often be a surprisingly low calorie option that’s very voluminous. Search popcorn on r/VolumeEating if you want to see what I mean. I personally just eat Boom Chicka Pop kettle corn because it’s lower calorie and truly rivals the stuff from the fair, but air popped can be even lower cal.


This is going to sound silly but one time I was so close to breaking my fast on the weekend that I opted to just take a nap until my window closed. I know that sounds terrible but I did what I had to do to get through it lol

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