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Is it okay if I exceed the eating and fasting period?

I’m very new to intermittent fasting I started 5 days ago. I’m trying to follow 18-6. But what i decided for myself is that I will be flexible with eating period i can exceed or minimise the time but I will be strict with fasting period (and its okay if i exceed 18hrs sometimes but it should never be below 18 hrs). Is that a bad way to go about it..? Should I just strictly follow 18-6?

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I started with the same approach as you. Everyday I was feeling more comfortable with the fasting period and dealing with hunger, so I started extending the fasting hours. Now I mostly do 20:4 to accommodate my partners eating schedule and have a meal together and I’m doing great. FYI I’m a 46 y/o male, lost 25kg in 6 months w/o a strict diet but walking and working out 5 days a week.Good luck and stay strong 💪


Yes, you don’t have to be strict. If you want to do 18:6, it’s good to think of it as fasting at least 18 hours. Longer than 18 is even better. There’s no reason to have a 6 hour eating window if you don’t need it.


I am forever flexing and adjusting my fasting and feeding window to accommodate meals with friends, work, and other obligations.

I’ve been at it for a few months, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a streak of longer than a week where it’s looked exactly the same from day to day.

You’ll find what works for you as you ease into this new habit, and find ways to work around (or forgive yourself!) whenever you have to venture outside of your typical routine.


I would say that whatever approach you find that works (as in gives you the results you want) and that you like doing, is the right one for you.

Since it’s early days though, perhaps being consistent and using the same windows/hours for a period of time could be good for “research” purposes, so that you’re sure of what works for you? If you change it up a lot in the beginning it could make it hard to pinpoint exactly which approach it was that worked best for you.

IF is completely individual and only you will know what works for you. And only you will know what you like to do. :)

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