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Is MSG still bad for you?

I found something called Accent and it’s MSG, has less sodium than salt. I like to add it into my vegetables.

I remember way back that it was bad for you but I’m sure I’ve since read it’s not that bad.

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Nope, not bad, never has been. It’s literally just that it was associated with China, so some racists made up “Chinese restaurant syndrome” and made it a culture war thing, because of one doctor’s letter to a medical journal about a headache he got after eating chinese food! Every decent study on MSG has found no more problems with it than with any other spice or salt or common cooking chemicals. Some are sensitive, but there’s absolutely nothing specially dangerous about MSG. https://youtu.be/EKgEj5asL3o


Everybody is going to say that it’s just fine for you … and it is.

Unless you happen to be one of the unlucky that are allergic to it.

I nearly died from MSG. I had hives all over. I was incredibly swollen. My throat started closing up and it got hard to swallow.

Then I flatlined. Eyes rolled back into my head. I met my angel.

And it sucks, because it’s in so much stuff! Imagine never being able to have Doritos or Cheetohs again. Thankfully they make the Simply Organic versions which aren’t the same but get the job done.

I can’t have fried chicken from the majority of places, because MSG is used freaking everywhere.

Most asian food is out. It blows so bad.

So yeah, most people are indeed right … MSG is totally fine for you. So are peanuts and dairy and shellfish and and and … unless you’re allergic to it.


No! It’s not bad for you. People unknowingly have it all the time, it’s in foods naturally like seaweed, mushrooms, beets, corn, etc. it’s also in most condiments. Those who abstain from Asian foods with msg because of the msg, yet eat many vegetables and condiments and even burgers, are uniformed or hypocrites.


Natural glutamates are fine. You would find them not just in Accent, but also in tomatoes, and mushrooms, and nutritional yeast. It’s basically what gives something a more ‘meaty’ type of flavor. There are some who will make the claim that added MSG is doctoring/hijacking the flavor of the food (e.g. just finished The Dorito Effect where the author essentially makes that case, where he denounces how we’ve manipulated flavors of food, out of necessity because we’ve so diluted the natural flavor of food), but the notion that MSG is bad for you is a myth. It came out of just some lazy reporting in 90s. Back then folks noticed that they would feel somewhat lethargic after eating Chinese food. So the blame was placed on MSG. Why? No clue. Did they add MSG to said food? Sure. But there’s also a ton of other stuff in Americanized Chinese food that would be a more likely culprit, in my opinion. And like I said, there are tons of other foods that have natural MSG in them that don’t have that effect.


MSG plays a starring role in the arsenal of tricks that the fast food industry employs to enhance its products’ mouthfeel. According to MSG Truth, an independent research website founded by a former food industry insider, MSG ensures repeat customers by forcing the release of insulin, even in the absence of carbohydrates; the flood of insulin provoked by MSG causes an individual’s blood sugar to drop, with the result that the person feels hungry again barely an hour later. Moreover by strongly enhancing the perceived taste of food, MSG generates a “rush” and activates pleasure centers in the brain. According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, an expert on MSG and other excitotoxins (chemicals that prematurely burn out cells), the activation of pleasure centers “can produce the same powerful addiction impulse as cocaine and other addictive drugs”; as a result, hunger and addiction converge to push junk food junkies to keep on eating.

MSG is a known neurotoxin and excitotoxin, which is linked to many nerve disorders, depression and physical degeneration.


I get terrible headaches even from a small,mount of MSG. This is what neuroscientists say:

“MSG is a food additive which is found in the majority of the industrial foods. It boosts the taste of the food hence attracting customers. There is no value in terms of nutrition and it really does nothing to the eater, however, it can have many effects on foods. MSG is known as an “excitotoxin” or neurotoxin. Research studies have found that it has devastating and degenerative effects on the brain and the nervous system. The neurons or brain cells overstimulate and fatigue to their death. MSG enters the brain through the membranes in the mouth and the throat. It also enters the blood-stream through the digestion of food in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. MSG “tricks” the human body into believing that it is getting value from these foods. “



Is that the same FDA that claimed the experimental gene therapy shots prevented transmission and were “safe and effective”? The one with the revolving door for fed employees that goes straight to highly compensated positions in the pharmaceutical and food manufacturing industries? You’re talking about that FDA?

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