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Is spam and pickles supposed to be omad?

Or 2mad? Also what other meals can be put in place of spam and pickles? Tuna mayo? I’m kind of a munson and just need to be told exactly what to do. I’m 220lbs 6ft I’d like to get to 170, I tried to do R 72s but I kept bingeing, I’m so disappointed in myself, I seem to take one step forward and 2 steps back.

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Yes, basically. It’s a 15% protein, 85% fat, 0 carb (I limit myself to 5 carbs to make things more simple and widen the food choices a bit) diet .

Set the calories at WHATEVER YOU WANT, within reason. I’d stay under 1000 but ideally you’ll be eating less and less as time goes on because of consistently low insulin and satiating fat.

IMO don’t eat spam, ugh, choose bacon – it tastes much better and is almost as convenient if you cook in sheets in the oven and store it for later. I limit the bacon to 3-4 strips, then use 2 servings cream cheese, 8 olives, and 1 serving macadamia nuts for most of the fat portion of the meal. Make sure to apply EXTRA salt (not a huge amount, just sprinkle everything a little bit), it’s important that you are eating a giant salt/fat bomb. By the end of eating this I am stuffed! And, unlike spam, it’s delicious and I don’t get sick of it by Day 3 lol.

Also, eat pickles if you want but they’re really mainly there for the salt. Sometimes I eat pickles, sometimes not – hunger cravings DO still come but they are manageable and if they start to get even just a LITTLE unruly, I drink a gulp of pickle juice (but also have snake juice handy) for a BIG salty burst in my mouth. Craving destroyed!


You get three meals from one can. Split the can of spam into third’s add your fats and pickles until your at about 400cal whenever your hungry. I would keep it in a fast re-feed window. Like a 16/8 or a 18/6.


NO! He explicitly says multiple times you don’t have to do OMAD. Eat multiple tiny meals throughout the day. 1/3rd a can of Spam, a few pickles, done. I actually put mayo and salt on top of the Spam.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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