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Lifting in the middle of a fast questions.

Due to work I can only lift at 5am which is right in the middle of my 18:6, is it possible to gain even a bit of muscle if I can’t eat for another 6 hours? I’ve heard that some people drink bcaas when lifting fasted, will this help? I’m not trying to look like Jay Cutler I’m just wanting to get a little more muscular while I cut another 40lbs thenI will do a small surplus bull. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Eating inmediately after lifting has SOME benefits, but thinking that you have to crush protein within a time window post-workout is largely a myth. In the end it’s more important to think of how much protein/calories are you getting per day/week/etc.


do you think early civilization had constant access to food immediately following a hard days work or running from a Saber tooth tiger or whatever? Do you think of early civilization as weak and frail? Trust the process, you’ll be fine!

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