| | Water Fasting

Light Headed/Nausea in the Morning?

So, a bit of context - I’ve been (sort of) intermittent fasting for all of fall, but not well- I’m not strict nor do I set eating windows, but my ADHD meds really suppress my appetite. I’ll randomly snack in the mornings or put creamer in my coffee - enough calories to break a fast biologically. A few weeks ago, I stepped on the scale and I’ve lost a few pounds, so I was like “well, if I just fast more consciously, it’ll be easy”. Thus, I’m easing into IF with 16:8 eating from 1-9 PM.

My question is, how many of you all feel like shit in the mornings after a cup of coffee (only a splash of oat milk for me now)? How do you even combat that light-headed, nauseous feeling? It subsides after I eat of course, but I really don’t feel like eating until early afternoon, and even then, it’s usually a small meal. I drink plenty of water and only drink a cup of coffee in the AM, but it still is a crappy feeling I can’t shake.

TL;DR: I feel like shit in the mornings when i fast, but it wears off & I feel better in the afternoon. Do you experience this & how do u deal with it?

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I cut back on caffeine and do not have it every morning which helps. At this point I know which mornings will be ok for caffeine and when I need to avoid it based off of how I wake up feeling.

You have probably already heard this, but also make sure you take electrolytes while you are fasting (there are electrolyte powders that do not break fasts). Some of the light-headedness may just be electrolyte imbalance, even if you are doing IF and not longer term fasting.

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