| | Water Fasting

Looking to start my first dry fast.

I’m looking to do a 2 or 3 day dry fast depending on how my body takes it. I’ve never done this before so I was looking to get some advice. Should I drink a ton of water before I start? I’m aiming to do it after a long weekend of Fourth of July drinking so should I wait a few days since my diet will be mainly greasy foods and beer.

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What are you looking to achieve by dry fasting?

If you don’t care about your results or the quality of your fasting experience and are just having a look around, then just drop the hammer and do it:

Fasting for a day really doesn’t tax or transform much internally, so prep isn’t going to buy you much – just do it.


If you’re dry fasting for more than a day, then it makes sense to have some intention and preparation so you can gain experiences you’ll want to repeat, instead of uncomfortable experiences you’ll run from and make you swear to never fast again – the world is full of people who have “tried fasting” only to swear they’d never do it again. It’s generous to call those people morons.

Realize if you’ve never fasted before, dry or otherwise, you will have some new experiences you might or might not appreciate – it’s always nice to know yourself and your intention, i.e. what you’re doing to yourself, why you’re doing it and any expectations to result by doing it.

Good luck on your path.


1/2 tsp of baking soda in water at least twice before you start the fast, helps to prepare your kidneys for all the hard work they’re about to go under!

Look up snake juice :) eliminate or cut back on caffeine if you can, or pop an Advil right before you start. Caffeine headaches are real during fasting.

Good luck!


I would slide into the dryfast. First day eat only fruit smoothies. Fruits and water. Second day waterfast. Then start the 2-3 day dryfast. Atleast you give your body a chance of switching gears slower.

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