Or I can only do it once? I want to take it in the morning when I wake up and at night right before I go to sleep. The kidney shot is the 8oz water with a half of a...
Is it rare to catch kidney stones while doing this? Also the dry fast is a duration of 5 days.
(The kidney shot is drink with 8oz of water with a teaspoon of baking soda) Or should i just break with a glass of regular water?
Kidney beans contain a massive amount of iron. However just because a food is dense in a particular vitamin/nutrient doesn't mean our body can properly absorb it all. What steps should be taken to get the most use out of...
I donated a kidney and my remaining one is healthy. Should I cut the snake juice powder in half? Does it matter?
Hey guess I have developed kidney stones from dry fasting and not doing baking soda. Any ideas on how to help. Should I drink lots of water
I’m doing 18:6 and OMAD, and have been experiencing a lot of aching/pain in my kidneys, usually just one at a time. I’m drinking tons of water. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?
I've ran into a few people during my latest DF that said I'm gonna die from kidney failure. I didn't see any of this talked about by Filonov or Dunning. Can anyone tell me why people freak out about kidney failure in...
Please let me know.
Hello I was wondering if anyone got kidneys tested after long dry fast. What were results? How long of dry fast? I’m new and interested in dry fasting.
What am I doing wrong here?
Dried light red kidney beans (35g weight, 90 cals, 9g of protein): 11.25 calories per 1g of protein Canned light red kidney beans (130g weight, 110 cals, 7g of protein): 15.71 calories per 1g of protein Is there a reason that...
Hey! So to start i have been trying to fast on/off for years. But I've never been able to stick with it. I have a very rare earlyish stage kidney disease and I have tried what I think is everything...
Is it normal for my kidneys to hurt?
Hello everyone! I’m on my 4th day of a 7 day dry fasting and since yesterday I have been feeling a strong lower back pain, which might have to do with my kidneys since I had UTIs in the past....
So I have heard dry fasting is dangerous for kidney health. I also heard it gives kidneys a rest. Snake diet guy is suggesting to break a dry fast with baking soda to help kidneys. I am not sure what...
Why people with chronic kidney disease need to eat more fat?
I want to do an extended fast but I’m scared it will give me kidney failure because I read that it can do that. Is that true ?
Hello everyone! I have been doing dry fasts in the past and right now I’ll be finishing a 5 day df. I was wondering what is the best way to break it and I’ve come across many posts suggesting the...
Hey, i have one kidney since birth. Should I avoid dryfasting?
So I'm about 10 hours away from completing my first 7 day dry fast, down about 22 pounds in total. I was already on spam and pickles low calorie keto snacc routine Cole recommended recently, and will be refeeding on...
I completed a 72-hour fast. During the first 48 hours, I felt great with a lot of energy and a good mood. However, by the end of the 48 hours, when I went to sleep, I felt restless, my heart...
Tea bags contain micro-plastics. So I was wondering, is it harmful for kidney patients?
I broke my 1.5 day dry fast with coca cola and fried chicken - but then later on I had this 1 second sharp kidney pain - is this because I didn't drink water instead of coke or did I...
I want to try dry fasting but i Don’t want to mess up my kidneys! Please let me know something!!!!
As I'm killing/treating my SIBO and Candida atm there are many tocins my body has to get rid of. And as a feel the urge to fast (juice fasting) it should be a good idea. But I don't want to reabsorb...
I'm working my way up to 48 - 72 hours fasts for weight loss, but I also have chronic kidney disease and neuropathy (but not diabetes). I am wondering if anyone has had any success with fasting to help some...
My side hurts bad i dont know if its a muscle problem or something wrong with my kidneys.
I've heard from many people and blogs about lemon juice/lemon water cleansing or detoxing the liver. I was wondering where this hypothesis comes from and if there are any studies that seem to back it up. Thanks!
If someone were to drink TPN or some other sort of complete nutrition (assuming they cannot taste and don't mind the texture) could they live a healthy life? Or is there some importance to real food?
Is there a way to determine the volume of water to be consumed during a fast?
I’m all about giving water fasting a go. However I’m a bit cautious as I take medication for hypertension. Does anyone hav experience with this?
I’m having a hard time understanding how everything effects the kidneys. I’m five days into a 9 day fast. Is plain water okay still? Should I exclusively be drinking snake juice or water with baking soda in it?
I read somewhere that if you go over your recommended protein intake or too much protein it can mess with you kidneys and be bad for you. I'm currently at 20gs over my current recommendation
I am 21F, height 160cm, starting at a slightly overweight BMI by the WHO standard for Asians. I fast for fat loss and efficiency. I have done a 7-day waterfast several years ago and am dabbling in dryfasting now. I...
I'm 60 hours into my first ever dry fast. I've noticed that my last few pee's were very yellow but more concerning was the amount of bubbles that are in the toilet afterwards, it's like I added dish soap, is this...
I have done 3 day dry fasts and maintained the weight loss. I want to go on a 14 day dry fast in February how do I prepare?
Is it necessary to have medical supervision for longer than 7 day dry fast?
My creatinine levels are a little high 1.31 and EGFR levels are normal range but low , I haven’t been drinking as much water with the monohydrate as I should , any suggestions to get the creatinine levels...
I've noticed the topic of anti nutrients popping up more and more often in my research, mostly regarding phytate/ tannins/ lectins/ saponins and how they can interfere with the bioavailability of nutrients, along with other effects. This has added yet another...
I'd like to try a 3 day dry fast but I'm worried about hurting my kidneys. Would I achieve the same, if not similar result to a 3 day dry fast if I just drank one glass of water every...
The title say it all, but I'm forced to write something here.
I saw this brand in Costco and was wondering if it hydrates you like regular water?
Also, is it okay to consume spinach everyday or will it trigger kidney stone formation?
I have been doing the snake diet for about a month and i have lost 15 lbs so I an very happy with the results. My questions are as follows: -Why do I feel so thirsty after sipping snake juice all...
Will this enhance the benefits of fasting? Possibly harmful?
I have protein urinalysis testing strips and after 7 days of dry fasting. I have been reading at more than 3.0 g/l in my urine on the 8th day every time. Why is no one talking about this? There's not supposed...
Has anyone tried this? I’m looking into donating my kidney. The research I’ve done indicates a max BMI of 30 is allowed. Which translates to 80ish pounds for me to lose. Does this mess anything up?
Do I need to be completely hydrated and peeing straw-coloured water? For whatever reason, I think I’m dehydrated currently - not because I’m thirsty - but my pee is dark yellow - bordering on brown. I feel fine....
Disclaimer : Not seeking medical advice. Just for educational purposes only. For the record done a 4 day dry fast few years ago. Currently 55 pounds overweight and never had surgery done on my body. Have done a 10 day water...
Im aiming to go for 7 days I weighed 70kg before the fast, now 66kg. When can i do the 7 day dryfast? I want to do it soon (for spiritual and heal purposes)
I am on the end of my 2nd day, and I've noticed the whites of my eyes are a little yellow tinted. Should I be worried? Edit: According to this [graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaundice#/media/File:Jaundice-types.png), prolonged fasting can lead to it, it's an obstruction of...
- Does the usual bodybuilding diet put strain on organs (kidneys etc), considering the inordinate amounts of food consumed especially meat and dairy that is consumed besides the supplements? - And how do the hormones or supplements being fed to the...
I'm doing multiple chained rolling 3 day fasts. I have been experiencing intense nausea, as well as back pain along both sides of the spine. What could I do differently to mitigate such symptoms? They make it difficult to keep...
Probably a dumb question, but I assume that urination would indicate that ruination would mean that the nutrients that has been absorbed where used and filtered if needed. Intaking nutrients prior to urinating may overwhelm the blood stream then. Correct...
I read a book about dry fasting which stated that consuming salt in the first 3 days after you break the fast can be dangerous? I wanted to replenish my electrolytes levels, and salt seems like a savior?
Was wondering what other options anyone has found to be abundant in protein for building muscle.
Should I only just drink when thirsty or should I get as much in a possible? Because literally I can eat a meal and not even think about drinking anything.
Does drinking plenty of water help?
I’m seeing conflicting information on what is better. I see that drinking it on an empty stomach/before a meal can increase feelings of fullness when you eat a meal. But I’m also seeing that taking it after a meal slows digestion....
I have a close family member who was recently diagnosed with a severe, nasty kidney disease (advanced IgAN with crescentic glomerulonephritis). The Doc wants to put him on corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, but those seem problematic for a lot of reason...
Current weight 158ish, hoping to get to 140ish by July 24th (5 weeks). Do you think this is possible and if so, any tips?
I regularly read that the idea of "toxins" just existing in our body is bullshit, and that our liver and kidneys do their job of removing any toxins. But then I have also seen studies like: [glyphosate (herbicide) being found...
My first question is does anybody ever actually get the recommended daily intake of potassium/how do you do it? It seems so difficult, especially without consuming too much oxalates. Which brings up the second question of in your experience, has...
Never read about this on this sub, but fasting increases uric acid levels apparently. I am on day 13 and woke up with gout in my big toe. Never would’ve expected that one.
hi, I'm making my own snake juice. But I'm having trouble finding food-grade epsom salts or other forms of magnesium. Previously I used NoSalt, but it's now no longer available in my country. What can I use instead? I...
Hello. I am planning on 2 rolling dry fasts of one week each, with refeeding for a day in the middle. Would it be necessary to supplement with baking soda before starting the fasts? If yes, then how much? Also, what...
I would love to hear about how long people have fasted and how much they lost in that time frame. And whether or not they gained back the weight once they went back to eating regularly.
I recently did two Comprehensive Metabolic Panels back-to-back within 4 days. The first test was day 1 of fast. 2nd Test was the day after breaking a 3 day fast the previous night. 1st test, kidney function was normal. The...
Specifically potassium and sodium.
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates in order to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.
I weigh 183lbs and I'm trying to get to 160. I'm worried that when I stop the dryfast I'll get the weight that I lost back. How would you keep it off?
I've been using table salt for sodium, CALM powder for magnesium citrate, and purchased NOW brand potassium chloride powder to have a source of potassium. However, I'm realizing that I'm getting chloride from the table salt AND the potassium chloride...
Hi, my sister's friend told me about this diet, and I thought I'd check it out. I've been looking over this subreddit and I'm finding some slang that I'm unfamiliar with - what are OMABs and rolling 48's/72's? Also if...
So everybody knows the benefit of protein especially for muscles. But let's talk about protein suplements in sports. I think it's clear that (especially in bodybuilding/fitness) protein is suplemented in an high amount that would be difficult to eat everyday....
So ive tried snake juice without sodium and tastes so much better than with it. Would not using reduce its benefits? and if so is it substantial?
In the nutrition world this seems to be a polorising issue, that I have found to be simplified into two types of thought. 1.We only need around 15% of our daily intake to be protein or less (Dr Collin Campbell,...
Does that mean zinc is important for muscle building and copper for organ function?
It’s been approximately 20 days since I started, and while google is suggesting things like kidney failure and internal bleeding, I feel absolutely fine (apart from the gross mouth and heartburn). Do I need to stop the fast? Anyone has...
I've been drinking it for 3 days now and applying it to my skin before bed, since I have acne and scars, because Cole has talked about it. Today I drank my morning piss for the first time which made...
Spinach's calcium isn't well absorbed due to its oxalate content, but if it were paired with food like kale, would it interfere with the body's absorption of kale's calcium?
How do you guys feel about diet soda and intermittent fasting? I just started 16:8 and sometimes I’ll grab a diet soda. Should I drop it or is it okay starting out? I still make sure I drink water throughout...
okay so this may be a dumb question, but how do you not die on a dry fast? because my entire life, i’ve been taught you can’t go more than a few days without water. and if you look it...
My mom would always tell me that I need to drink a lot of water after having a Boost, Pediasure, or Ensure. I'm wondering if people actually do that? A lot of people that drink these protein shakes have a heavy...