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Macros and goals aside, what’s the most natural eating pattern for humans?

I see people say that large meals on IF in a certain window is best

Others say many frequent meals

Others say 2 meals with a large fasting period is best Others say to eat when hungry and stop when full

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Probably eat when your hunger is at a 7 and not a 10. Although there were probably a lot of very hungry people eating at 10s their whole lives. A lot of people eat when their hunger is at like a 3.

Modern 1st world humans probably don’t understand the difference between actual hunger and being hungry.

One trick is if it’s for something very specific you’re probably having a craving which is not actual hunger.

Recognizing the difference between cravings and hunger is probably a good start for understand how to make natural eating patterns for your own personal self.

A lot of people fall into the trap of eating when hungry without knowing what hungry means.


Each one is different. IF is not for me since the large meal spikes my insulin enough to raise my A1C. I do best with…..drum roll…..3 cups of cooked rice, veggies and no more than 4oz of fish or beans in 2 tablespoons of olive oil all spread into 4 meals a day. I’ve seen people thrive on 1 meal a day with about 1500 calories and I seem to thrive on about 2200. The important thing seems to be identifying your caloric requirements and then getting them in. Don’t stress the mechanics of it.


There is no one sized fits all natural eating pattern for humans. Historically human diets have varied so much it would be impossible to nail one down a the most natural.

If I was gonna pick one though it’d be the classic Paleo diet of eating exclusively whole foods with serious time restrictions. Humans evolved where food wasn’t always redially available. The body is built to not eat for days at a time and be just fine. So large paleo meals every 24-48 hours would likely be closer to a natural eating pattern than the Standard American Diet of grazing on grain-derived products all day.


I don’t understand this question. Humans are a product of evolution which is just fighting tooth and nail to not die before having babies. You eat whatever you can get so you don’t starve.

Until very recently that was the natural normal way to live as homo sapiens.

That’s why we’re so fat as a species. We’re genetically programmed to eat whatever we can because that’s what kept our ancestors alive.


Just wanted to comment that I was doing IF but really an OMAD variant for over a year straight and it might be coincidence, or it might be related to preexisting acid reflux/GERD, but finally I had bad pain in my chest thinking it was a heart attack (35/m/very active) and was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. A registered dietician told me it could have been caused by years of eating 2,500+ calories in one sitting.

Anyway, now I try to break up my meals but im still going to do the 6 food group elimination to see if its a food allergy.


i would suggest going through rhonda patrick and her podcasts about the subject especially sachin panda and the rhythm of bodily clocks

you should not eat a few hours before bed, and you should limit your food intake to 12, possibly 10 hours a day, at least 6days a week

these other comments are foolish and dangerous and you can easily pinpint them cuz thez offer absolutely no reference whatsoever to their claims


While natural does not necessarily mean best, I would think periods of intermittent fasting would have been a “natural” occurence throughout human evolution. There are a number of possible benefits claimed by people interested in longevity and not much of a downside if you take a moderate approach to it such as a 16:8 schedule I’d say. It’s not very difficult either.

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Categories: macro fish oil 1 meal a day calories stress omad pain heart intermittent fasting