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Can I just stop eating till I reach my goal weight ?

My apologies for the spelling and grammar, I’m dyslexic.

I’m 26 , 5’10 male weigh 115kg , I was 121 but I’ve been eating 500 calories a day for the last two weeks.

I read about angus barbieri , who fasted for 382 days , I want to fast until my goal weight now , want to weigh 70kg.

How long will it take me if I just stop eating ? I’m so tired of being fat. I don’t need food , all I need is salts and vitamins right ? I have a lot of self discipline when I’m motivated and I’m very motivated right now. My body is taking 500 calories a day quite well , I am not very hungry anymore but I want to cut out food because I don’t need it.

I just want to get rid of all the fat quick as possible , I don’t care if it’s not the healthiest, my body now is very unhealthy and I hate it so much I can’t even look in the mirror lol. My mental health is very bad because of my weight. I use to be very fit and slim , I want to get back to that.

Is this a good plan ?

Edit forgot to mention, I am familiar with snake juice and will be using that

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No. Don’t do that.

Here’s what you do: in the long term, rolling 48 or 72 hour fasts will drop weight about as quickly as an extended fast will, but without the problems of extended fasting. You also don’t mention snake juice; you NEED to be drinking snake juice when you’re doing these fasts, for safety, comfort, and sustainability. You MUST.

Start eating one meal every other day. One normal small meal, no extras, no add ons. Don’t overthink it. Outside of that meal, google a snake juice recipe and ONLY consume that snake juice. You can have some fresh water here and there when you get really sick of the saltiness but that’s it.

Eating this way will drop weight off of you quickly; very quickly, but it will still be a process. Trying to do one long fast until you’ve lost 100lbs isn’t going to happen, it isn’t safe (even with snake juice,) and it isn’t very much faster than much better alternatives.


Cole was in the Mikhaila Peterson podcast and he says he doesn’t recommend fasts longer that 7 days anymore, stick to 72s and when you’re comfortable with that try pushing 96s or maybe one week but no more than that. Weigh yourself every morning.


No don’t rolling 72s is imo the best to lose weight Keto/carnivorish style refeed to stay in ketosis ! Mesure your belly fat to see how many cm (inch) you have it’s more accrue than weight yourself You can lose cm near your belly but not on the scale


You need fat to process a lot of vitamins (eg a,e & d). You also need protein for your muscles. And also for your heart and your brain. (I’m serious here, this plan will make you stupid)

That plan is dangerous. I can understand that you want to lose it as fast as possible. But not that way. You will have lots of lose skin, you will experience a lot of hairloss and you won’t be able to think anymore. You will get extremely tired and get insomnia (which is a horrible combination). You will lose all of your streght and a lot of your muscles mass. So in case you really reach that 70 kg you will look and feel horrible and will still be skinnyfat because of low muscle mass. You might lose your job because you can’t focus anymore. You might not even survive this.

It’s also very unlikely to reach that goal because of mental hunger. Physical hunger fades. But mental hunger leads in binging.

Your mental health seems to be down. Please reach out for help before you go deeper. Healthy weightlos is so much easier. Disorderd eating is a hell living with. Please go back and reconsider.


As others have mentioned, be very careful of extended fasting. I did a 6 day juice fast last summer with 3 of those days being water only, and it destroyed my body. I’ve had a major relapse in all my chronic health issues since. Listen to your body. If it’s starving for food, feed it. Then fast again later and you should be able to go longer. But don’t just be starving for days or even one day like I did. Work your way up.

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Categories: calories angus barbieri to fast vitamin 72 hour fast extended fast extended fasting sick morning lose weight keto ketosis muscle heart binging disorder juice fast