What causes vitamin levels to deplete? Is it stress? Is it food? Is it physical activity?
Be careful, people - as the article says, get good medical advice before drastically changing your diet: Liquid diets like those favoured by Shane Warne can strain heart, say experts Professor Garry Jennings, the Heart Foundation’s chief medical adviser said that, in...
I've been doing IF for a long time now, before I had 2 meals, and everything was ok. When I started working from home I'm went OMAD. There is a lot of pressure in my job and I feel really...
I’ve been doing IF for a few weeks. I’m enjoying it, for the most part. I got over the hunger and actually enjoy the feeling of fasting in the morning. However, after a long night or day (or multiple) fasting gets...
Hi all, I finished my first 72 hour dry fast this week and am feeling super hyped about it and eager to incorporate dry fasting more into my lifestyle (my main goals are weight loss (60 lbs to lose) and...
Hi everyone! I have been under an incredible amount of stress for a number of days (work 14+ hour days, nuisance acquaintances, family death). First couple of days I was distracted eating, but I realized this is a very ineffective...
So I find myself having a hard time getting back into fasting and not wanting to eat way too many calories once I get done now that my job is causing a lot of stress. And I not even talking...
Hello, first post, I think, maybe second. I’ve done OMAD for months now. I have lost some but I combine working out so I think my fat is going away and I’m building muscle. XXL to Large...
Any advice for fasting and stress? I am an adoptive parent of 2 special needs children and now suddenly caring for an additional 1 year old AND newborn foster children. Add working from home due to Covid. Stress is a...
Its like the old stressors don't seem like that big of a deal now compared to not eating 23 hours a day.
this whole week i’ve not been motivated at all, and except for a 36 on sunday, my fasts ended at 20 hours or so and i ate more than my TDEE. i was doing well for the first two weeks...
So I’m relatively lean for a athletic female petite. I’m ready for at least a 3 day fast. My goal is 5 days. I’m excited for the calm feeling of not having to think about food. Honestly eating is just...
​ What can I do about this stress eating? It happened again over the last couple of days. I'll be doing a fast, it's going great, and then I get stressed out at work and I end up binging on a ton...
Just venting, ladies... I've been doing really well with the fasting and even got to the lowest weight just a week ago. But now hubby is away and there are other stressors in life and I can't stop eating...! Most of it...
Essentially. I fasted down 15lbs in about a month. (out of the 50 ish my doc told me I need to lose) But due to work I've started stress eating and gained back 10 lbs. Aside from exercise (I am but still eating...
Hey guys, I've recently started doing IF and have mainly been doing OMAD and 20:4 IF with 16:8 on weekends. Originally I thought that IF was simple and that was one of the things that drew me to it, but...
I have to eat every three hours when i am working, if i don't then i get very confused/anxious and shaky. I believe that we evolved to eat far less often yet my metabolism feels like it was always this...
I got emotional driving to work listening to "Hounds of Love" and I couldn't stop crying. I'm laughing out loud right now just thinking about it. For reference, I am not a big crier. I'm only 80hrs in. What gives?...
My anxiety is almost gone,my stress is almost over and I’m feeling so much more calm while doing IF now. Anyone else experiencing this too?☺️
Hello everyone, just want to know what are some of the other health benefits you are enjoying from IF, apart from weight loss. Thanks!
Particulary men on the head?
Anyone had hair loss/growth or hair loss improvement with dry fasting? What’s your experience?
I have been on IF since mid Sept 2021. I was mostly doing 20:4 and shifted to 16:8 during the holiday season. I was not very careful with my diet. I only made sure to limit my meals to two...
Im almost done with my 5 day dry fast and the day after I break it I’m having a family party. Is it too soon to drink alcohol 24 hours after the dry fast ended?
I’ve been IF for the past 8 days. I’m leaving for a 7 day cruise tomorrow and any and all advice is appreciated. I’m not worried about breaking the fast at noon. I’m more concerned about starting my...
I began tracking my blood glucose, and ketone levels, during my fast yesterday. I've only tested and experimented in the past, so I do not have extensive records. I will record on a daily basis for the foreseeable future in...
I had a bad trip last week with drugs and believe i induced myself some ptsd about it. Could fasting from food and unhealthy habbits heal my brain? Or does this strictly heal health problems.
I tried eating as much as I used to but I can't get the last few bites in my mouth. lol I think my body is insisting on a new equilibrium or something like that.
Good morning everyone, I'm currently sick I get my COVID test results back today hope it's not that. But my question is those of you that have been sick while doing IF do you keep going with it or do...
Hello! I’m on antibiotics for strep throat. Have any of you Continued fasting while on antibiotics or do you think it’s a good idea to eat while On antibiotics Thanks!
Truth is, I’m not hungry. But I’m currently stressed out because of schoolwork, and sometimes when I’m stressed I fall into the trap of “snacking” or eating a meal out of boredom/stress. Doing my best to not fall into that trap!...
Let this sink in. The obesity crisis since 1976 has occurred even though we ate about 450 calories MORE in 1976 than now. That is, we’ve cut calories by 450/day and increased obesity. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/aug/15/age-of-obesity-shaming-overweight-people So here’s the first big surprise:...
42f sw222 cw193 gw175 16:8 I have been doing IF for about 6 months and have lost 30 lbs. I feel great. This is very sustainable for me and I know I can do this long term. I exercise regularly, running...
What’s the take on it? Good, bad? What’s it do I. The body?
My job can be pretty stressful at times. It’s a desk job and I work from home. When I get stressed, my body wants to eat. If I have a low stress day, I can hit my 18 hour fast...
I'm on 72h fasts, and not eating is easy. But a few times a day my thoughts wander to the refeeds. I plan what exactly will I be eating on the refeed day. I think about all those wonderful all-you-can-eat buffets. My...
What do you think abut this? https://www.isical.ac.in/~goutam.paul/onion.pdf I always thought that garlic is holy grail in almost everything, but now I am worried if its even safe..
Hi everyone I have been working out and fasting almost everyday. I am down 20lbs but I have been stuck here awhile and I have started to gain. I have been under a lot of stress lately so I’ve been...
Anyone know how many calories chlorine and sweat contain…?
What health issues have you resolved with fasting?
Hello people of IF! For any women out there using this wonderful tool, have any of you had irregular cycles with it? I am 20 years old and I haven't had irregular cycles until I started doing 20:4, now my...
Antioxidants are a key ingredient in our body’s defense mechanisms to combat free radicals and oxidative stress, but from my very limited knowledge on the subject and just going off what I read on the old internet, too many can...
Hi everyone. I ate on my fasting day. I’m doing ADF. Should I break my fast and eat normally or leave it. Feeling a bit guilty
I want to fast Monday afternoon until Friday afternoon every week, and then eat on weekends. Is this too much or is that safe?
If Mushrooms shrink from 229g to 159g after being cooked, which weight do I use for calories? Google says it is 22 calories per 100 grams. But which weight do I use? Thanks Extra If Mushrooms shrink from 229g to 159g...
Doing a 3 days water fasting would be nice to hear some history from y'all
Hey fellow IFers...I've noticed some changes since beginning IF about a month ago. Down maybe 5 pounds and my skin, normally prone to rashes and scaliness, has really cleared up, which I'm thrilled about. But over the past few weeks,...
Anyone ever accidentally fast for extended amounts of time? I am in a really stressful situation with having to move in less than a week, and didn't sleep two nights in a row, and haven't eaten since Tuesday night so I...
Started IF after thanksgiving and my periods which are always on time is late this month (not pregnant) could IF have something to do with it? I’ve been doing 16:8 but have read that 14:10 I’d apparently better for women....
I'd like to take a dip in my pool/jacuzzi tonight. I'm 48 hours in.
So I have been IF since early Jan and noticed a huge slow down on my efforts despite putting in much more effort and exercising more… I went on holiday last week and ate and drank what I wanted, including burgers...
Given that fasting increases cortisol levels which causes our bodies to store fat, I was wondering what the impact of fasting was on chronically stressed individuals or individuals with anxiety
Hey group! Always happy to be here amongst friends. My(35 F) wedding is coming up in 7 weeks and I still need to lose 6 kg to feel really comfortable on my day / for pictures. I’ve fasted for 15 years and...
31F, \~142 lbs, trying to get down to 130. I've been doing 16:8 for about a month now (usually fasting for more like 12 hrs on weekends), doing fasted workouts \~4 days a week and non-fasted workouts 1-2 days a...
Tomorrow beloved & I are moving (closer to my work & his medical treatment center - c beast). I've made a conscious decision to adhere to 16:8 IF to the best I can; yet I'm aware that The next 3 days...
Does protein enter in the bone with calcium or what exactly is this mass ?;
Hey! I'm 19F and yesterday I decided I want to try IF mainly for health reasons; it is said to help with conditions like tinnitus, which I have along with hyperacusis (hearing sensitivity). I also wanted to improve my focus. I'm...
I’m doing a hard dry fast. Does using hand sanitizer after going to the bathroom count as water intake or no? I started my fast at midnight after drinking one liter of water. It’s past noon now and I’m doing...
I am so ready for a dryfast. Has anyone else noticed how you feel so much happier when fasting and just more focused? I need this right now. The weight loss is a plus:) Plus I feel like it helps me...
I'm a 25 yo female with a rounded but muscular body type (does that make sense?) In other words, I'm curvy and if I'm not careful I will gain weight easily/I'm not naturally thin BUT I tend to gain muscle...
I am trying to quit caffeine cold turkey and would like to know anyones thoughts or experiences of using a dry fast to help minimize caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
then I remind myself that I maintained my weight for 20 months and they were the worst 20 months of my life. The last 9 have been a living nightmare that I wake up to every day and hope that...
Hi fellow fasters, we are halfway thru the first week of our challenge, yayyy!!! How are you feeling? Any challenges you’d like to share? Are you struggling or are you feeling great and fasting is the best thing ever? This...
Has anyone incorporated L glutamine into your diet while doing IF? if so what were your results? Powder or capsule?
I’m a 45 yo female 5’8” (170lbs) who is just starting out. I am currently undergoing chemo for breast cancer with a short pause due to Covid. Not that things aren’t stressful enough for me, but I’m going to try...
I recently gained 40 pounds in one year and it makes me super depressed. I went from 130lbs to 170lbs. I'm not new to fasting, I've been water fasting on and off since 2018, and have done the master cleanse...
Some recently told me that citric acid is really bad for you in spices and in food and vitamins and I can't find anything to back up what they are saying.
Today I'm on my second day of dry fasting, aiming to 3 days or more if I can. So, the day before I started, I prepared my body with a day of juice fasting and cleansed my colon with an enema...
Hi! I do a weekly 36 hour fast (sometimes 48… but that is honestly very trying for me!) I’m in the middle of one right now. I got some bad news this morning about a loved one’s health, and I find...
For the women of this community, I need some help. So I've been doing rolling 72s (more actually it's 84s since I go to the next morning) for the past two and a half weeks. I set a challenge for...
So I did my first five day DF back in Nov. Had a couple of weeks break and then a seven day DF finished weak before Christmas. (For health and Spiritual/Emotional) I did both of these fasts on meds: Sarotex 50mg,...
Hey all! Title is pretty self-explanatory. I completed a series of fasts, each anywhere from 24-100 hours long with breaks in between. I felt great the whole time and made a ton of progress! However, it's been a...
Started back on 16:8 recently and was thinking of inserting a 24hr fast regularly. Getting confused on what a 24hr fast would mean. I’m already doing 16 so 24 doesn’t seem like much more. Is it more of just...
Hello all, The last few days have been rough on me. My cravings are starting to come back. And last night I cheated for the first time in a long time. I really don’t know what to do. I feel my...
6 days of 23:1. I had a stressful day but didn’t let it ballon too much; I had one day of 18:6 and today I’m planning on going back to OMAD. However I was 2kg heavier on the scale this...
Hi all! New to this forum but not to IF. Female, 28, SW 175, GW approx 140 (going by how I feel more than weight). Years ago I lost considerable weight doing 5:2, eating whatever I wanted on the 5...
I have done some extended fasts over the years. Multiple 5 and 7 days. A 14 day once upon a time. I know the science and listen to podcasts etc. I know this stuff! And yet here I am every day...
I’ve always loved IF, whether it be 2 day fasts, omad, 18:6…. But since becoming a father I have not had any self control whatsoever… Longest I’ve managed to keep up IF in the last 3 years was a mere 4...
One of the things I understand from reading the Obesity Code (almost finished), it that too much sugar and snacking results in insulin resistance and obesity. I have changed my diet to cut out sweets and I only eat twice...
Just listened to a podcast with Dr Fung and he said that between 24h and 36h fasting you burn protein and after 36h you start burning body fat. What do I burn during the first 24h fast then?
I’ve been doing IF for … a month maybe? With OMAD over the past few weeks, though I do a weekly 46-48 hour fast. I’ve been lucky in that I don’t get hungry during the fast, but I’ve noticed that...
Hey there! Trying to get going with intermittent fasting, but I have problems with waking up in the middle of the night, and feeling completely out of control when it comes to eating. Could just be habit from when I was...
I am not sure how or if this is even possible, but I just did a 32 hour fast and weighed myself. I had **put on** weight and it's not even a small amount, it's a whole 1.4kg! How is...
Haven't been taking care of myself for some time. Been sick with a breakthrough COVID case for over a week. Decided to stop fucking around and do what I need to do. I was a long-time successful...
Anyone here with experience? Mainly looking for opinions on when to eat. I usually do OMAD, in the evening,but plan on lifting again around 6-7am. What has worked for you guys?
Does muscle growth is even better on dry fasted state, if you train on dry fasted state on 20 hour mark compared to water fast, and also is there increase on testosterone levels?
I’m still in the very beginning of my journey but I’ve noticed that this lifestyle seems to make it easier to resist going back to bad habits. It would be fun and inspiring to hear which habits you’ve managed to...
Male, 59yo, married 29 years, two grown children. Im back to 324, i was down to 286 in july. I guess im a stress eater. Between being in the hospital 4 times last year for pneumonia, afib and heart...