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my motivation is low

I started IF about 3 months ago now However my motivation is really low and nowhere near as strong as it was before :(

I’m feeling slightly depressed. I’ve lost maybe around 6 kgs , my goal was to get to 70 ideally maybe even 72/73 would be great but yeah for the past 3 weeks I’ve not been doing that well

It feels like my goal is forever away and I don’t see many changes in my body :(

My stomach still pops out and my love handles seem no different and it hurts :(

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I feel you, but….and sorry about what I’m about to tell you…everybody’s different, what works for somebody is not 100% destined to work for you.

But even after that, a lot of factors intervene with IF, the hours you fast, the kind of food you consume, the amount of calories, if you exercise or not, etc.

IF It’s not for everybody, but you said you’ve already lost 6kg, so it’s something, I mean it’s progress…I know it’s hard but be patient and try to see IF as a life style instead of a loose weight solution and the results will come


I’m on day 3. I wish I had even a little progress but I had gone back when I started. Keep going, this will pass.

At least your trying and you know once your doing it right although the scales might not change your body will.


You should absolutely not follow what I am about to say, as it is extremely risky and dangerous.

When I get the issues you describe, I always get a tan for some vit D boost asap, as it seems to really help my mood, and also my ability to fast for longer.


A podcast that I really like and draw inspiration from is Rick Roll interviewing Mel Robbins. She has a really interesting way of addressing this issue of doing without always having the end goal in clear sight. This isn’t just about weight loss. Your mental health will improve with weight loss/fasting regimen, too! Action proceeds thought so you gotta keep going! 6kg is a nothing to scoff at either! Don’t be afraid to adjust your regimen as needed, that’s not a failure it’s an evolution.

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