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Need help please (post fast)

I’m going to make this short but hoping someone is online and can ease my mind. I fasted for about 6 days (then ate 2) was doing keto meals low carb, then went back into 6, by day 2 I had to end it, I was getting hot in my face at night but the rest of my body was cold… then the pain came behind my eyes. So it was a migraine I’m guessing… the pain in my head has gone away (day 4) I’ve been hydrated enough, supplemented electrolytes back in… but something is wrong. My face still gets very hot at night (felt fine all day until now) and the rest of my body is either cold or norm temp. Also my mouth is extremely dry but I am hydrated. Wondering if I have a thyroid issue? Diabetes? I have no idea. Also after I ate this morning there was a patch of skin on my neck that flared up and was itchy. Idk what is going on.

Any help please.

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And just some more info, before the fast I ate random stuff not the best. Sometimes I’d eat healthy, salads etc, sometimes carbs or fast food. I’m a bigger guy about 290, 6’3. I’ve fasted before and I’ve done detoxes for 20-30 days, juice cleanses and stuff. I also have healthy anxiety so all of this just makes it worse. I was also constipated as well when I had that migraine.

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