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No longer being chained to food is the greatest thing

I used to be the type of person that had to eat every 2-3 hours or I would get really hungry and start getting dizzy, grumpy etc. I would always have snacks with me everywhere I went, I had zero flexibility in when I ate and would overeat big meals trying to not be hungry later.

Now after 1-2 years of intermittent fasting, I am no longer chained to food

I can eat breakfast at 8am and then not eat until 5pm no problem. Can wake up and not eat until nighttime and feel great. Was at a football game yesterday and the food lines were insane, so just decided to not eat instead and I felt great, perhaps even better than if I had ate. In the past this would have been a massive headache for me. Overall just feel like I can live on my own terms a lot more now and it’s pretty sweet, aside from all the other health benefits of fasting

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Isn’t it the best? It makes life so much easier. A few months ago I had the good fortune to fly to New York for a weekend trip while my husband stayed home with the kids. That Saturday I had plans to see a Broadway matinee and an evening show. To fill my time in the morning, I got up and went straight to the September 11th Memorial and Museum, figuring I would leave around noon and grab lunch shortly before the first show. It turns out there’s a lot to see at that museum, and I ended up staying as long as I possibly could before catching the train back to the theater to make my show. I had cleaned up my diet and started intermittent fasting about ten days before this trip (as soon as I booked it) specifically to prepare for a situation like this. And it paid off. After the museum I was just able to go and enjoy my show and then eat afterwards. It is the most amazing kind of freedom.

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