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Nobody tells you how cold skinny is…

So I love this community and have lost about 30lbs every year, down over 100lbs. Each winter I’m colder than the next. What a problem to have, I know, but nobody talks about this. I’ll take healthier me in warmer clothes as a consolation haha.

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Yes! I’ve lost 115 lbs in the last two years and just recently moved from CO to the southeast. Contrary to popular belief, the winters here are BRUTAL with the humidity. I’ve been freezing since October. Even on sunny days, the humid breeze soaks to the bones.


I didn’t loose quite as much as you, ~30lbs vs your 100, but I found that I actually got warmer! I think my metabolism was super slow and fasting and dietary changes have rectified that and now I am a bit warmer. Even my fiancé commented about it.


Yes! I lost 120 pounds over 2020 and when winter arrived I swear I havent felt that cold ever. It sucks for sure, I shiver so much now in the cold like never before, I have to bundle up even more than I did before.


I’m 5’2 and weight around 105 pounds - my advice is

  1. start taking ice cold showers
  2. run/exercise everyday
  3. buy a high quality thermos, along with a sleeve and a sling to keep it on you at all times - sip on hot water all day


Im 26 and currently the lowest weight I’ve been since middle school. Freezing my ass off. Slowly been investing in layers that FIT, and hoping to get some nice thermal base layers/long underwear soon.

Also just trying to get used to it, and make my body/brain adjust to less built in insulation. But thats going poorly.


I’m actually looking forward to this. I sweat and overheat CONSTANTLY. I’m sick of feeling constantly hot. I’m sick of my clothes being damp. I’m sick of sweating profusely doing a small amount of physical activity because my body heats up so rapidly.

It isn’t hyperhydrosis. I have a strong fitness base (physical work) but I love to eat so there’s a bit of extra baggage. Dropping 20kg and feeling cooler would actually be a godsend.


This is true. I lost a lot of weight due to illness (and was NOT a healthy weight). I was always cold and everything always hurt. I try to remember this when I get down on myself about having a little extra fat now. :)


I’m 20 lb away from my goal weight. I have to wear two layers of pants, and three layers of shirts. Thermal under layers, socks, and gloves. Winter coat and boots. All this is in a place where the average winter temperature is 36.8F


Down 50 pounds and I feel it!

Used to wear shorts outside in the winter no issue. It was chilly but not unbearable for just a few minutes.

Now I can’t. I’m so cold! And I plan on losing another 20 still. Gonna shiver my way to my GW!


I thought I was alone in this! I’m still in the very early stages of my weightloss/fasting journey, but I’m already noticing that I’m having to wrap up more and could not figure out why since I’m not anemic etc. You’ve helped me pinpoint it, so thank you!


Can confirm. I’m an English guy living in Seville Spain.Lost 30kg 18 months ago and prior to that I was always in short sleeves. Always!Then after, Jesús wept I was cold for the 1st time ever in Spain.Got to say I prefer the 30kg loss! Got rid of my constant sweating and snoring. Now I throw on a jumper to combat the cold


I lost almost 120 lbs but on the contrary I am so much warmer now. When I was obese I was always cold, couldn’t stand the ac. Now I am 59 kg and don’t get cold anymore maybe because I am so much more energetic.


Yes! I never understood how warm fat was until I was heavily pregnant one winter. I didn’t even need a jacket most days! It made so much sense now- why the office is always freezing, why people are SO sweaty in the summer, fat is warm as hell!


I’m currently around 132lbs and I’m warm most of the time (so often, in fact, that my gf likes to use me as her own personal heater and claims it isn’t normal for a girl to be so warm so often - I think she’s just jealous haha), but I do get extremely cold toward the end of my daily fasting period. My non-scientifically proven explanation is that either my blood sugar drops or my blood pressure hates it when I haven’t eaten in a long time or I don’t know, in any case it gets significantly better after lunch (my first meal of the day) and I stay warm for the rest of the day even in cold weather, provided of course I’m dressed appropriately.


You can improve your thermoregulation with progressive cold exposure.

Your mitochondria and adipose (internal) fat stores are what warm you up. Mitochondria burn fat to heat you. If you make your mitochondria better at burning fat, you will be warmer.

What you can do: be slightly cold most of the time. If you wear a t shirt instead of a sweater and allow yourself to be slightly cold, you’re training your mitochondria for better thermoregulation.

You can also begin lowering the temperature ofYour showers. Don’t need to start totally cold. Start less warm. Every day go slightly colder. You’ll notice it gets easier. Go until it gets uncomfortable, then go a little longer. Push through the uncomfortable part slightly more.

After a couple months, duly cold might not feel that cold. You can also end warmOr hot if you want but this will slow your progress a little.

Good luck.

Also, eat protein and fat. Protein has a thermos effect on body during digestion.


True. I lost 150 and have kept it off 20 years. I’ve put in a good amy of muscle (for a petite woman) still freeze 90% of the year, or whenever I’m not moving. I always have several jackets and gloves in my car, and wear wool socks year round.


This and being anemic… When I worked in an office I would legitimately take blankets into meetings. People would judge me and make fun of me but it was justified. I can’t focus when I’m cold. I still wear blankets to meetings but now they are all in my living room, lol.


At almost 300 lbs and just starting IF again, I can wear shorts and chacos in the middle of winter in northern Utah with several inches of snow on the ground and not be phased.

On the flip side, summers are brutal. I was thinking my sister was crazy for wearing sweatpants on a 97° F day a few months ago, but she’s only 120 lbs. It must be so different.

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