Forgive me if i sound dumb but I already suffer from high blood pressure and i was wondering does [No Salt]( raises blood pressure. I need my potassium!
I'm currently at 94/61 blood pressure at 46 hours of a dry fast. What is everyone's blood pressure while dry fasting over 2 days?
I’m all about giving water fasting a go. However I’m a bit cautious as I take medication for hypertension. Does anyone hav experience with this?
Haven't taken my blood pressure since starting IF (just a couple of months) but was disappointed to see that my systolic pressure is quite a bit higher now...has anyone else seen this? I thought having dropped 10 pounds (normal weight)...
I am 40 and just had my blood work/urine results. Good news is I am fine and all the numbers are within range but barely. If I didn't change my lifestyle, I don't think I'd be this lucky 2-3 years...
Hi! I’m wanting to start 18:6 fasting between 2pm - 8pm. I can see there’s lots of health benefits but what’s it like for blood pressure? I know if you overeat it’s bad for blood pressure, and I’m wondering if...
Anyone have experience with Snake Diet on blood pressure medication? My blood pressure is not super high so i imagine i won't need the medication after a while but for now i want to make sure i don't overdo with...
Im a 21f and I've been doing IF for a few weeks now again, after having to stop during Christmas when I got covid. My eating hours are 1-9pm. I naturally have low blood pressure, around 110 systolic, 65 diastolic....
I’ve noticed that while fasting I have a heart rate in the mid to upper 50s. However when I stand up my heart rate shoots up right away to over 120. It sounds like pots but I have never experienced...
im on week two of 20 hour omad every day and my blood pressure(even on my meds) is shooting up sky high.......anyone else experience this? im trying to wait to see if it lowers in a week oe so before...
Hello - F, 44, 157cm, CW 66kgs, GW55kgs here. I have been trying to move towards water and zero calories fasting and increase my window to 48-72 hours. But lack of good sleep on the fasting nights is worsening my...
Hey Fasting Community, I've (29M) been intermittent fasting 16:8 for several years now which has helped my type 1 diabetes quite a bit. My recent A1C is 6.0 but my doctor recently stated my blood pressure is elevated. Not quite high...
I've recently restarted ADF and I've been taking electrolytes on fasting days. I happened to test my blood pressure at the end of the day and it was quite high. I've experimented on and off, and found that salt tends to...
Has anyone used IF to help with their blood pressure? I’ve recently read that it can have some positive effects. I’m in my mid 30’s and was in good shape before I started having blood pressure problems about a year ago...
Does anyone else struggle with low pressure? I don't see it mentioned a lot on the main fasting sub and the general advice of drink water/electrolytes is of course always key. That noted, I've always had low blood pressure (confirmed as...
Hey everyone, I started IF Monday - Friday, where I don't eat until after work. (6 pm - 8 pm). I work at a desk and haven't had any hunger issues. For the past five months, I have had elevated...
Does anyone know if IF affects blood pressure? I've heard that improper fasting can lead to blood pressure getting higher (I do not plan on doing it improperly but it's still a concern of mine), and it's a fact that...
If I do 18:6 IF and my first meal is at 14:00, would it be better to take the blood glucose test after waking up, or before having the first meal?
I'm starting week 3 of a 16:8 plan. Got my blood test results back from my annual physical, and my fasting BG (about 14 hours after my last calorie) was 99. I've never seen anything over 90 before, even when...
So Dr Fung says that after years of eating carbs your cells are overloaded with sugar and that’s why it takes so much insulin to push the sugar in your blood into the cells (his overflowing sugar bowl or suitcase...
Does eating high fibre foods before high glycemic meals help minimize blood sugar spikes?
Hi! I have been fasting for almost 24 hours and I just tested my blood sugar and it was 107. According to google, this means I’m prediabetic…. Is this true? Do you have any advice on what to do next?...
I’m trying a 40 hour fast would it be dangerous to donate blood between hours 38-40. I’m already on hour 20 at the time of me writing.
I'm interested in starting fasting but I have regular issues with hypoglycemia. How do you lovely folks keep your blood sugar managed while fasting for prolonged periods of time?
I'm curious because I just noticed a pressure cooker can cook pre soaked beans in just 5 minutes vs over an hour boiling.
Hi all, please offer an experience or advice you have. I’m on day 7 of an extended 40 day waterfast and I’m in the hospital with dangerously low blood sugar. To my knowledge I’m not diabetic but I’m wondering how...
Tomorrow I am getting blood drawn at the doctor for annual tests and what not. I will be 24 hours into a fast at the time I get blood drawn. Should I break my fast after I get home, or...
2.7mmol/48mg/dl right now. My normal range is on the lower end, too, just to say (4.1-4.4 or 94-100) I seem to recall someone somewhere mentioning under 2.8/50 is dangerous while fasting but not sure on the accuracy. I do feel fine...
I began tracking my blood glucose, and ketone levels, during my fast yesterday. I've only tested and experimented in the past, so I do not have extensive records. I will record on a daily basis for the foreseeable future in...
Wouldn’t your liver run out of glucagon at some point?
I've noticed that anytime I fast and on a ketogenic diet, a hard stool accompanied with blood comes out with lesser bowel movements. When I went back to an unhealthy diet (sugar and high carbs), I had more frequent bowel...
Usually at day 3 fasting I’m in ketosis but my sugar blood level drops below 70 and stays around 50. Any ideas how to keep it up without breaking fast and ketosis process? I was thinking maybe half a spoon...
I recently read some studies that shows fasting can lower neutrophils and WBC. Is this true? Does anyone here have low WBC and/or neutrophils because of intermittent fasting?
Can anyone recommend a good book on the science and management of blood sugar?
I'm currently on day 4 of Dry Fasting and my blood sugar number is 86. Normally my blood sugar would be in the low 70s when I do water fast on day 3. I'm guessing dry fast affect the cortisol....
My body tells my that I'm okay to continue fasting. However, I did find some blood in my saliva. Should I be concerned? I don't feel like I need to stop at this point. I'm just asking as a precaution....
Does anyone have any insight into what is the optimal level of iron? Measured as ferritin level in ug/L
So around day 6 of my fast, my blood ketones shot up over 5 mmol, and had consistently stayed there. Today I've dropped down to 3.6 mmol, I'm not striving to be in high ketosis, just curious why the plummet....
I’m currently fasting in an effort to get myself back into ketosis after a break. I’m at 36 hours, and was hoping to be able to break my fast soon. I just check my blood sugar after an intense workout...
So I took my blood sugar reading 1 day after my 5 day fast. Yesterday I ate mostly high protein and 2 ww fiber one bars, black beans and Shitake mushrooms. .. nothing way high in sugar,and when I...
Is it normal to have 104mg of blood sugar after a 17 hours fast? I don't exercise at all and work from home.
I have no issues with long fasts at all while I’m awake. I can do 18, 24, 36, 48 hours. But I do notice that when I go to sleep, my cgm indicates that my blood sugar does dip below...
I'm getting my blood tested on Wednesday. Annual checkup. I fast: 2 x 24 hours per week, plus a 3rd fast of 16-24 hours. ADF or similar. Is there anything that would be sensible to test? ...
Has anyone ever done this? I eat pretty close to carnivore/ZC style on my refeeds and am looking to give blood to prevent iron overload and promote a proper copper/iron balance. I also add in some urine looping during some...
I once read corn starch spikes blood sugar levels higher than sugar? Is it true? And so yea that got me curious which food item spikes the most Like who's on the top?
Today is day 30 of 18:6ish for weight loss and I’m down about 10#. I was curious what my blood sugar was doing and started checking. Shortly after working out I see a spike from ~75 to almost 100! Within...
I try to donate blood a few times a year and am trying to schedule my fasting window around it. Anyone read any scientific research around whether there is any effect on autophagy when donating blood? It would seem...
I'm on Day 10 of a pure water fast - I'm only consuming pink sea salt, no-salt and distilled water and I was curious to get some insight from this community about appropriate ketone and blood glucose levels. I'm using...
I have been intermittent fasting using the 16:8, 18:6, and 20:4 method consistently for some time. I find that if I fast for longer than 20 hours I get low blood sugars (cold sweats, dizziness, head rush/vision goes black when...
I recently found that my baseline blood glucose level is high (potentially pre-diabetic). Takes a long time after a meal to drop below 100mg/L. I started skipping meals until my glucose level dropped below 100mg/L and that pretty much boils...
I'm super confused. Yesterday night I was in the 90s and now one hour after drinking 800ml of water with lemon and salts I'm at 114 without eating anything. 🤔 I've read a doctor saying when we fast the liver pulls...
How do glycemic index and total carb content of foods interact when it comes to post meal blood sugar spikes? Let's say I eat a bowl of white rice vs two bowls of oatmeal. Assuming rice and oatmeal have the...
Is this normal? Last meal I had was yesterday at 4:30pm. Before drinking 800ml of lemon water with salts, my glucose was at 101 and 20 mins after drinking it I was at 109.
I went to a blood count on the fourth day of fasting (not planned, I just called the doctor for a check-up, since I haven't been for a while, and he told me to come right away). On the...
So for the past few days I’ve been doing 22 hour fasts, and OMAD. Today being Thanksgiving I had a cheat day cause it’s the holidays. Got home and checked my blood sugar with a finger prick and it was...
I have mild chronic neutropenia of unknown origin. 1.01*10^9/l. I also have had chronic pharyngitis for over a year now. When I was fasting last week (7-day fast), somewhen on the 5th day I went and did blood tests. All came...
I have been doing keto/omad since September I recently stepped it up to doing 72 hour fasts separated by a keto meal. I have been researching high triglycerides as I have blood work and an annual physical coming up on...
I recently ordered an instant pot and I'm noticing that pressure cooking chicken literally dissolves all the cartilidge into the broth, whereas when I boil it the cartilidge stays intact and has to be thrown out. Also I notice pressure cooking...
I dry fasted 44 hours and decided to break it yesterday afternoon. I was feeling weak and shaky so checked my blood sugar and it was 43😳😳 I had checked it earlier that morning and it was 65. I had...
I’ve been using a continuous glucose monitor to see how different food’s affect me. So far it’s been amazing - no problems. Im 45 hrs into a 72 hour fast and my blood glucose is getting low, 53 mg/dL. I...
I'm fifteen days into my fast, and my blood ketone reader has stopped giving me measurements and just displays 'HI' now. I feel zero issues and have no symptoms. I'd otherwise want to continue my fast but am...
I’ve been on a 16:8 plan for a few weeks. Nearly every day around hour 15-16, I develop a pressure in my head (feels like ears popping but can’t pop) along with a slight headache and feel very groggy/brain fog....
I’ve been fasting for several months, rolling 72s. For the first time, I decided to check my blood glucose with a CVS monitor. Yesterday as I was around 36 hours into a fast, I did a reading and my BG...
Hi all I'm I wanted to get someone's knowledge on this. So I'm coming to an end on my 24 hour fast. I went to the gym and worked out hard for 60 minutes my average heart rate was 172 peaking at 190 according...
I am doing IF not just for losing some pounds but to also work at reducing or even reversing my type 2 diabetes. I have had some success over this last month, as I have done away with my use...
My blood sugar stays low-70-90 all day because I do carnivore/keto. I have to do this for autoimmune and pcos reasons. This weekend I plan to have a few plain vodka waters for social purposes. If you don’t drink or...
Im hoping to complete a 20 day fast (weight loss, detox) however today I did multiple blood glucose tests ranged from 70-64. I do feel a little tired and weak but nothing bad, just a little. How concerned...
Story time. 2019 had yearly blood work done all normal. Decided to do IF to drop some weight. Been doing 16:8 since 2020ish. For 2 years now I've normal a1C of 5.1 & 5.4 but elevated morning fasting...
I test when on longer fasts to see what my body is doing and how much I’m in ketosis and in autophagy. My normal routine is two 41-48h fasts per week with 17:7, 20:4, OMAD varied in the remaining days. ...
Hello,I had the courage to start it again, the best i did in the past was ONE snake diet of 70H and i never done another 72H again. ​ So : I did a first 72H then i eat more calories than need...
I do 18/6 to 20/4 intermittent fasting on a near daily basis. Occasionally, I can tend to overload on carbs/sugar in that feeding window. I had to get a "fasting" blood test done 8am yesterday. This was 8 hours after...
I broke my fast after 6 days of fasting. Ate few eggs, rice and some carbs.. my glucose levels are not coming down. 2 hours after food it was 165. After 4 hours it is 200. I am a healthy...
I have been doing. Omad keto for 6 weeks due to being obese -bmi 33-and metabolic syndrome. I take metformin and my ha1c was 5.9 befire starting the program. Her is the dilemma....
54M OW:250 CW:228 GW:185 Been doing 8:16 since Mar 2021. NSV - my clothes are all pretty loose and face is noticeably thinner. A couple of weeks ago I hit 226, So 25 lbs in 40 weeks. Up to now I have not...
Hello! I just finished reading Dr. Fung’s The Obesity Code and really enjoyed it. Was curious for some of your takes on a dilemma I have. I smoke cigarettes. I looked through some studies and found that cigarette smoking tends to...
I started IF about 1.5 weeks ago and had a blood test Friday. Just a CBC. Everything came back normal but today I noticed a differential come back with low monocytes and low absolute monocytes. Normal range of monocytes is...
My blood calcium was recently tested at 11.7 on day 42 of my water only fast. PTH is normal. I’ve read online that 25% of patients with parathyroid disease have normal PTH levels with elevated blood calcium. Any insight from...
New to even thinking about blood sugar. I get it checked annually and A1C is good and so is fasting glucose. But I got a glucose checker just to satisfy curiosity. For context I’ve been doing OMAD for the last...
So I started this thing where I check my glucose levels and I don't eat my next meal until it gets low enough. And there is fasting so many hours. I decided to try after hearing about benefits of...
So I felt dizzy a lot few days ago while I am on a fast. I decided to take bloody sugar levels got 115 which is pretty high I never got this high before.about month or so ago I got...
40 hours in to my first 3 day water fast. Trying to get some autophagy going and get into ketosis. Have been keto for a week. Started feeling really shaky checked my bg on friends meter. 77 Then 72 Then 68. Then I broke my...
This youtuber "What I've Learned" just published a really interesting video [I Fasted for 5 Days and Walked 7 hours a Day]( First, it wasn't a strict fast. He basically followed a low carb fasting-mimicing diet of 300 calories a...
I've fasted for almost a year previously. I sometimes get this feelings of headache or brain fog. It's not hunger persay but maybe low blood sugar? It caused me to quit previously off and on. I've recently...
I've been intermittent fasting to varying degrees for several years and have recently ramped it up to 18 - 20 hours per day. I did that partly because I hit a plateau with my weight and could not lose the...
Hello everyone, I’m 26, 5’11, 211lbs. Work out everyday, zero medical issues. I’ve been working for 5 years, lifting and cardio. I’ve decided to do OMAD (one meal a day) for a month now. Diet mostly consists of 4 eggs, 4 sausage...
I only really wanted an a1c test, which shouldn't be too affected since it measures 3-4 months, but what about some of my other results?
Hi all. I’ve been doing 4/20 over the past few months. But on and off for a few years. Also eat relatively low carb but not keto. I wear CGM and try to keep my glucose under 100. This week...
I'm in my early 40's. My Blood Glucose was always around 80's and 90's. I then had a test done and it was 100. The only thing that changed was I was doing a lot of intermittent fasting and trying to...
It’s a popular dish in southeast Asia and I had it today for the first time. It’s not awful, a very neutral taste. I’m assuming it’s high in protein and iron? Are there any health risks/benefits to consuming animal blood...
I started listening to Lifespan podcast on benefits of IF for wellness/longevity highly recommend it. I’m on day 4 of doing 20:4 intermittent fasting. I’d like to fast from 4-8pm so I can digest before 11pm bedtime. However, I coach beach...
Let me start off by saying I have been fasting for almost 4 years now. I had an unusual observation today. I have a blood sugar monitor, the finger stick kind that I got because we had some...