I’ve been feeling a little disappointed at the slow decrease in weight.. decided to measure my waist today and it has shrunk by 7cm!
A good reminder to not just focus on weight. My energy levels and sleep have improved hugely and I’m experiencing less inflammation.
For reference: 32F, SW 89kg, CW 82kg GW 69kg. Been doing 16:8 or 18:6 and CICO for 2 months.
I have tried fasting before but I weighed myself throughout the process. This time I’m not weighing and I think I’m going to be a lot more successful. I don’t have those highs and lows re what my weight was that day and the screw it all attitude when the scale doesn’t reflect what I think it should….
I haven’t lost much weight either (and I know it’s not because I’m gaining muscle from exercising LOL). But the reduction in inflammation has made such a huge difference. My knees are at the point where I can walk again. (Yay!) Blood pressure and cholesterol is down as well.