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Question about length of fasts

What’s up everyone, I’m just trying to figure out how some people do fasts up to 3, 4, maybe even 5 days. I see people talking about this sometimes and I’ve been doing fasting for about 8 months now, I can hit 48 hours pretty easily but much beyond that is almost impossible, I just feel like shit, don’t wanna do anything at the gym, just wondering how some of you go so long? Does it not feel like your literally dying?

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It’s something you work up to. The most I’ve done is a 72hr fast. I started at 16:8-18:6 a while back. Then 3 months ago, started OMAD during which I would throw in the occasional longer fasts. It was about a month into OMAD that I worked in 36ish hour fasts (eat dinner, don’t eat the next day, then break fast during breakfast on the day after), then up to 48, then up to 72. If you start doing OMAD for a while, for some reason it didn’t feel like much of a jump to do a longer fast, at least for me.

r/fasting might have better answers


I aim to not go long, meaning I’ve never done longer than a 24hr fast, I aim to go consistent with 16:8. I’m not going to claim perfection by any means, some booze may go down after hours, so a “dirty fast”, but for the most part, food for me is restricted to my 2pm to 10pm eating window, daily. I’d rather be largely consistent than worry about occasional long far extended fasts.

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