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should i throw away my disgusting food

i do omad and today i prepped 5 meals for the next 5 days. it turned out fucking disgusting and i’m sooo unsatisfied after eating it today. i hatehatehate the idea of wasting food but i’m not sure i’m strong enough to eat only that gross mess for 5 days. what would you have done???

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Throw it out. I do OMAD and agree with previous poster. I usually know what I want to eat when my eating window rolls around as often I bookmark things in my head that I’ve seen in my fridge, prepared for others, or craved during my fast. I try to break my fast with veggies so I get those cooking while I prepare the rest of my meal. I have a 4 hour eating window so I finish with coffee and sometimes a sweet an hour or so after my meal and a small snack if I need it.

Part of what’s been great for me about IF is getting better at listening to what foods I really need and want to eat and I can tell immediately how they make me feel so I think its important to eat foods that make you feel nurtured and satisfied. Don’t eat food you don’t really want to eat.


Just toss it or feed it to a pet if you have one. Meal prep for me is depressing. What I love about IF is that I eat foods I want to eat, which helps me stick to it.

Our eating windows are too short to eat bad food. Enjoy your meals.


During one of my first fasting cycles, I didn’t consider the food in my refrigerator that would go to waste. After the first 6 days, I decided to toss the food, and not end my fast. Now I’m more prepared about when I’m fasting and what’s in my refrigerator.

I could never prepare five meals for 5 days because what I feel like eating drastically changes from day to day. Whatever you decide to do, it’ll be a learning experience for you.

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