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Snake diet newb 1 month in

37 year old male 5ft 10 Starting weight: 227 lbs Goal weight: 185 lbs

Hi so before starting the snake diet I was already doing intermittent fasting 18/6 and working out with kettlebells doing Geoff Neupert’s Olympic 2.0 double kettlebell program & cycling on an exercise bike for 30 mins 5 times a week at 70% max heart rate. I started this around October 30th 2021 after gaining a lot of weight due to a prolactinoma that caused low T & depression. I was at 247lbs at my heaviest. From October to March 16th I went from 240lbs to 227lbs.

I started snake diet march 16th and continued my current workout program till April 2nd 2022. During this period I went from 227lbs to 212lbs.

I am now doing pavel’s simple and sinister and working on getting my strength up for being able to do pull ups again. Also started 30 mins of bag work 5 times a week instead of cycling.

Total weight loss on snake diet from march 16th 2022 to April 14th 2022 227lbs - 204lbs. 23lbs in about 30 days.

Experience with snake diet

So far I am loving the snake diet. I am doing rolling 48s. My refeed is usually 227g of ribeye and 75g-150g of a tub of guacamole. I used to have a salad with it filled with loads of green leaves, olives, sundries tomato but rarely have that these days. I started to get a rash on my chest and back that I thought was Keto rash so I incorporated a cup of blueberries. I still eat some olives from time to time. I rarely gain weight after a refeed. If I do it’s about 0.4 lbs which I loose the next weigh in. I am drinking 2L of snake juice a day and drink under 700ml of fresh water as needed.

I tried a few 72hr fasts but found I had a tendency to get diarrhoea which made it difficult around social events.

Within my 1st week I had to go to a stag doo luckily the groom does not drink so it was very tame. I brought my snake juice with me and drank it all night. Week after was the wedding I did a 48hr before the wedding to avoid the shits and a 72 after as I had a few drinks and cake as well as the food.

After these big events I was convinced I could do this and make it fit around my lifestyle if I go out with friends or family and eat something not so great. I just fast longer.

So far I’ve been able to train and keep up the intensity. My workouts are only 20 to 30 mins. The Olympic program consisted of double kettlebell squats and presses. I found squats left me feeling gassed. Current program is a single kettlebell and it’s just swings and Turkish get ups.

One thing I noticed is my blood pressure has dropped since doing this diet. From 114/68 to 100/59. I think I’ve suffered from low blood pressure for sometime as I frequently get light headed off I get up to quickly but it has gotten worse since doing this diet but I just deal with it.

I have a family wife 2 kids and a full time job. This diet has gotten rid of my need for coffee and other stimulants. I still vape nicotine don’t plan on given that up yet. I have been able to cook food for my kids or sat with family when they eat a meal or eat take out without having cravings. I feel my willpower has increased. When I feel cold or tired I start moving get the blood pumping and drink snake juice. When hungry I mix up the kidney shot of Apple cider vinegar and baking soda and then sip lemon juice through a straw. Then go back to sipping on snake juice.

Looking forward to finally reaching my goal of getting back in shape. I want to be in the best shape of my life before I hit 40, as I know it’s not going to get any easier if I wait till after that point.

Sorry for the long arse wall of text. Feel free to ask any questions. To anyone on the fence lurking here. Start. Just start. Keep showing up put the work in even if it’s only walking or doing 10 push-ups. Set the intention and show up and do the work. Drink the snake juice and stop being a lazy fatty.

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Oh yeah snake juice recipe I drink is as follows

Per 1 Litre 1tsp 1/2tsp of saxa so-low + 1/8 tsp pink salt (sodium 1930mg potassium 2400mg)

total per 2L dailysodium 3860mg potassium 4800mg

I take magnesium tablets before bedKidney shot (daily or every other day)2 Tablespoons of ACV + 1/2 teaspoon baking soda (not together with lemon juice)4 tablespoons of organic lemon juice (drank with straw)


Congrats! Side note, have you had any lag in the gym? I wonder if it’s possible to do this diet and gain muscle? I’ve been lifting about 4 months now but I’ve only been doing 18/6. Occasional 24-30hr fast but I worry i will lose my gym progress if I keep lifting?


Hi I’m on day 3. I did 36 hrs and did a refeed. I’m finding I’m more hungry today and I notice I’m telling myself oh I can have some Turkey with cheese. I need to do the kidney shot. Thanks I’m still learning. I do have a friend that’s in 3 months and has only refed twice in 2 months. That’s seems like it’s close to anorexia. Am I wrong? I’m a bit worried about her.

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