| | Water Fasting

So close to finally being under 300 I can feel it!!!

I couldn’t say for certain but I don’t think I’ve been sub 300 for at least 15 years when I was in school.

I touched 301 yesterday, and was weighing up pushing on for another full fasting day to make it but I felt I needed to stop after a couple of days fasting, for a few reasons.

I weighed again this morning and 304 and I’m still so excited about seeing that 2XX, unlike before where this would see me ruin a few days. I mean it’s still 17lb from 10 days ago or whatever and I feel so much better after yesterdays refeed.

It’s coming very soon and I’m excited! But if anything it’s a reminder to not force it, sometimes taking that day and an extra couple to get there is better in the long run!

Hope you all are doing great… and celebrate those wins no matter if they’re mental, physical or otherwise!

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i teetered in the 300-305 range for a whole month over a year ago, and now I’m in a very long 260 holding pattern. Your doing great. Keep that shit up. You’ll make it under 300 under unless you make a whole ass uturn over the holidays.


I’m right there with ya! I’ve been morbidly obese since I was a kid. My lowest weight I vividly remember being in the 7th grade was 313lbs. By age 20 I was at 430lbs. I tried everything to loose weight including seeing a personal trainer 3 out of the 6 days a week at the gym, eating “right”, etc . I’m 39 now and just 303lbs. I’m with you! My 2nd goal besides hitting that 313lb mark is to try and hit 299 by Thanksgiving (Nov 24). Lets go!

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