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Started IF as a beginner - no progress whatsoever?

Hi, I’m sorry if the question is stupid, 27F, 58kg/160cm, I’m new to IF, and started with 10/14 plan which the app recommended. I have a history with eating disorders, and I have been sticking to this plan for 10 days now. It’s going fairly well, I don’t feel hungry, but just a bit dizzy and weak, but the biggest issue is that in these 10 days I haven’t lost a gram. Every day I weigh myself at the same time and I weigh exactly the same 58kg. I was hoping to get advice.

I didn’t start to eat more, cut down on alcohol, cycle and do pilates every day but still feel terribly bloated and fat.
I’m trying to stay positive and look forward to the future, just wondering if that’s normal. Thanks a lot ☺️

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No advice on the fasting side of things but as someone who has also struggled with disordered eating please think carefully if IF is the right solution for you.Also I’d urge you not to put too much emphasis on the number on the scale, eat healthy most of the time, eat enough, make sure to find room for the tests (whatever they are for you) get some exercise and the rest will take care of itself.Look after yourself


You are at a perfect BMI / weight for your height? That isprobably why you aren’t seeing a lot of progresss, because your body doesn’t need to lose weight. You are healthy and you have a history of ED. Why have you chosen IF exactly?


10 or 14 hours of fasting? Either way that’s a really big window. Try to whittle it down to a 16:8 or 18:6. Make sure you’re eating healthy when you do eat and fasting clean when it’s time for that. You also have to give your body some time to adjust- take measurements because sometimes the scale doesn’t move but your measurements get better. Good luck!


Usually people start with 16/8 or 18/6, you’re more likely to see results with one of those options. Also if you haven’t yet, figure out what your calorie maintenance level is. Even with IF, if you aren’t consuming less calories than your maintenance level you aren’t going to lose weight.


Gurl please I’d not suggest IF for you. Reconsider because you’re in your ideal weight range, if you now want to tone up, I’d recommend you to start working out (weight training, etc), that’ll help you out. But please do check with your coach/doc if you have any, since you also have ED.

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