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One meal every three days for 12 days. Started 175lb ended 155lb. (progress pic)[NSFW]


front facing results

side facing results

You can also go to my profile and see the post I made on progresspics showing my full journey from last June.

Main post:

Hey guys I still have 15 hours left and I’m going to make it to the goal. Theres zero chance I’m fucking this up.

I set this a long time ago but kept failing because it is very difficult and also I was allowing external factors like events with friends eating and drinking to get in the way.

I am proud of myself for finally just straight up telling people in my life that I am eating once every three days. Many people were very surprised, but they did not try to tell me not to do this like I imagined in my head they would.

One thing I am surprised about is people that don’t know you as well are much more accepting than people who have known you for a long time. I think it is because people who know you for a long time think they can “get away with” trying to interject their opinions and beliefs onto you while people who you just recently met do not have that privilege so they just accept you. I think I kinda like hanging out with people I barely know more lately lol.

PS: One last thing, I did get Corona on Day 4 and it lasted until Day 9. Normally by body destroys illness within 24 hours max, but this was no fucking joke for something that is supposedly “mild”. I held strong with the goal but could not exercise and normally I would spent minimum 2 hours a day exercising even while fasting. Before it I was snowboarding daily and now that it is gone I have gone back to my routine of weight lifting and rock climbing and will go snowboarding twice a week.

Edit: Also for the before picture I was very full, and for two weeks conducting myself in some bad eating and drinking habits during the holidays. So the pictures show a strong bounce back.

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What a very interesting technique to attempt. I might try it. I must admit that every time I do a 2 day fast I think about having a nice meal and then immediately doing another 2 day fast.

Thanks for posting this.


Ok, looking good. Now that you’ve lost some serious body fat, get that body to the gym when you’re done. I love the progress. Now, work on maintaining a normal amount of calories per week and lift some weight. Put some muscle on man, it’ll make you feel good. Second, keep the beard. The face definitely looks better with it. I’m growing mine out for the same reason.

These are my personal recommendations. I love it when people improve their life and can’t wait to see you succeed. Keep it up!

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