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starting snake diet..advice?

I’ve obviously watched Coles videos…just looking for some ideas of what people are eating on refeed days and how often are folks working out on fasting days.

Cheers for any feedback

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Stop eating.

Cardio is fine but avoid heavy exercise while fasting (Strength workout after a refeed only). Refeed with wholesome food.

Keep it simple.

Try different things and find what works for you. Listen to your body. Good luck.


Do what works for you. Honestly, that’s the best way. Read a ton of stuff, look at examples and just experiment. Do NOT be scared to experiment. Do something for like 4 weeks minimum and see how you like it. Try rolling 48s, does it work? Try rolling 72s, is that better? Just start it, don’t over think it and just go with the flow. Whatever you can maintain and shows results, do that. And as they say, if it’s working, don’t change it.


To make fasts easier, eat keto or carnivore refeeds. Salt them generously.

To make exercise easier, do it early in the day. Your body will be very alert and you will spring out of bed. I like 2 - 3 fasted exercise periods throughout the day, 30 - 45 mins each. One in the morning, one at my “tough time” of the day (the one to two hours you will actually be truly hungry), and a third 2 - 3 hours before bed.

Sleep when you can. Long fasts can interrupt your sleep cycle, so try to nap when you feel it’s possible. Also a good thing to time 30 - 45 mins before your “tough time” of the day. Don’t wait until you are already in the hunger portion, or you probably won’t be able to fall asleep.

Find your rhythm, keep bathrooms close, drink the snake juice and figure out what works specifically for you.


Get in ketosis first before you start. Don’t refeed on carbs, eat meat/fish/cheese/eggs etc (carnivore), otherwise you’ll have to get back in ketosis over and over again and you’ll end up quitting. Please drink your snake juice throughout the day, otherwise you’ll feel weak, hungry and might have cramps and headaches. And keep yourself busy.


My current schedule is rolling 48’s. I do cardio at lunch 30 mins of bag work or 30 mins of cycling at 70% Max HR.

In the evenings Mon,We’d,Fri I do pavels simple & sinster currently.
Tues & fri I do some progressions towards get my 1st pull up. Also do some push ups and ab wheel roll outs each day.

For refeeds I stick to ribeye and guacamole. Sometimes with a bit of sauerkraut for the probiotics.

Also started incorporating some dairy as I was lactose intolerant but that seems to be improving. So I’ve added 1oz of Gouda and kefir. Also some natural full fat Greek yogurt with blueberries, raspberries & blackberries for the carbs. Total cals are around 1500.

When I started I was 240lbs and was trying the 500 cal refeeds & trying to be strict keto. As my exercise increased I decided to add some more carbs and increased my cals.

I’m currently 185lbs been on snake diet since march 16th. My original goal was 185 but I feel I could loose another 10lbs to get rid of the last bit of fat round my gut. BF% is around 17% down from 30%.

One thing that helped me a lot was eating the same thing every refeed or close to the same thing and make very small tweaks when needed. I’ve noticed if I go to high on carbs I find fasting more difficult.

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