| | Water Fasting

Thought I was making progress

Just did a 4.5 fast, thinking I had made progress. Saw myself in a mirror at a clothes shop and still looked gross. Disheartened.

Weigh 113kgs Goal weight 90kg

Eating Keto.

Have just started another three day fast. I did to see some instant results otherwise I’m gonna to be demotivated again. How can I not be loosing weight doing fasts?

I don’t use scales for this reason. I just get demotivated when I don’t see a change and think “why bother”.

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You are making progress. If you aren’t eating you are definitely losing weight. I don’t know what a 4.5 fast is but I tend to use rolling 72H fasts. USE YOUR SCALE! I stalled for about one whole month between 156-152, literally up and down like a ping pong ball with fasting. Ate full days for three days in a row and started again with a goal number (149lbs - almost 3lbs down) to eat again next. I’m at 72 now and will likely be eating in the morning depending on the scale feedback. Luckily I’m already down 2lbs the past two days (after a major refeed of spam, pickles, beef and bacon two days in a row). Anything to drop again. You’ve got what they call a set point and maybe a couple days break (high fat ultra low carb and high protein) might get you past the plateau. Also, I work out twice daily (gym AM, walk PM) and I add salts PRN for longer fasts.


There are countless things going on in your body when you fast and, guess what?
You won’t see any of it.
The body retains water when healing, and water can weigh quite a lot. You are alive, which means your metabolism is running which means calories are burning. Since you are not eating, you are burning fat. But if you are retaining water you won’t see the loss on the scale. And the mirror isn’t the best for some people either. I had to drop 70lbs before I thought there was any change in my appearance.

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