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Wanting to do a 40 day and 40 night “jesus” fast

I’m 5’6 260lbs so I got like a hundred lbs to lose at least. I figure that should easily last me 4 days and then some fung says you lose half a pound a day on a fast, so that’s only like 20 lbs. even at quadruple that rate, 2lbs a day, i would only have lost 80lbs.

How common are extended fasts this long in this sub? Any tips?

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There’s a documentary on YouTube of a larger guy doing a similar “Jesus Fast”. Just look up “Facing the fat documentary” and it should pop up. He had medical supervision though, so you may wanna do the same if you’re attempting.


I once did a ten day water fast, broke for ten then went into a twenty with a twenty day refeed. By the end of the twenty getting off the couch was a lot of effort. I worked during it and it was hard. I remember thinking that I could have gone longer but I would have had to stop working. It was rough but doable. Not a forty but going into a fast mode for two months considering slow refeeding was quite the experience. Dropped from 215 to 158. I did it to help with chronic pain and it worked, along with steady movement and exercise.


Phillipans 4:13 when I didn’t hear anything from God for almost a year and then I heard one word “fast” I was like seriously lol but God led me to do 40 water fast and I’ve only fasted 1 time before that 14 days. I did it I was able to complete it with the grace of God. Just like Jesus was tempted with Satan in the wilderness we will have to overcome things while we fast its more of a deliverance get rid of things in our spirit.. There is a video on youtube its called “prayer and fasting” by myles munroe its the 1 hour video you should check it out he speaks alot and what to expect and how to fast for God. It helped me get through that 40 day fast. I actually literally just started tonight a 40 day water fast about an hour ago and I’m only 40 lbs over weight so I know just this comment is just a confirmation to do another 40 day fast. Note the amount of time is normal you want to fast as you have enough body fat as it goes into a fuel source as energy. Pray and seek God if you need to ask Him how long you should fast. 🙏 God bless


I watched a YouTube video on a guy who fasted, planned 25 days. He had to pass physical and get labwork and be monitored and get lots of electrolytes and eventually got there but they were surprised he didn’t have more problems. He read that 31(?) days was the Guinness record for fasting and beat it by 4 days but they wouldn’t give him the new record because it’s so dangerous they don’t want anyone to attempt it. The dr’s said it’s really abnormal to not have serious problems from fasting this long.


People do long fasts like that, but they’re not very common. That’s like the top 10% longest fasters who. Slow and steady wins the race. If you push yourself too hard you won’t feel like fasting for a bit. So it’s better to pace yourself as you begin. Measure progress in weeks, not days. It takes months to lose significant weight, there’s no way around it no matter what anyone does. It’s best to work within that


Have you ever fasted before?

If not, it’s a bad idea to jump into 40 days, it’s potentially dangerous and you don’t have the practice/training to get thru it. Try working up to it, schedule a 3 day fast followed by a few days of eating lightly. Then try 5 days, then 10, 20 and so on.

You’ll still lose weight during these fasts, while getting used to the experience so you can make it all the way to 40 days.

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