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Water fasting and active job

27F, 5’3”, SW 174, GW 145 Hi, guys. I want to start water fasting. I put on 10 lb during Hanukkah and New Years and never lost it back. I have a very fast paced job in a fast food restaurant (temptations 😫, specially the drinks) and I actually usually don’t have time to eat. There were many days that I did an intermittent fasting, eating only dinner. But I would like to know if it would be dangerous to go on a water fast for 7 days working in a fast paced job like that. And also, would you have any suggestions for me? Thanks!

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Your young and weight is relatively fine for your height low.I’d suggest intermittent fasting, 18:6 . Aim for a loss 1.5 pounds a week. You’d be at your goal weight in a few months.

Water Fasting is great for healing amd rapid weight loss. If you’re over 200 pounds I would have said its a good idea.

At your weight your best bet to keeping it off is losing it slowly and steady. Esp with a high paced job. However reducing your eating window to 6 hours would cut out a lot of temptations.


Yeah I’m gonna do that too, you’re weigh the same as me and I was thinking water fasting also . But I also live an active job and I’m gonna do IF One meal a day Keto … in that way il get into nutritional ketosis in no time and combine that with heavy training it’ll be good for us

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