| | Water Fasting

What do you do for work? Do you feel like fasting affects your performance?

Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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Marketing. Fasting helps my mental clarity. I don’t feel that sluggish slump in the afternoons. Actually, I’m not exhausted in the morning either. Such a difference from before fasting. (I’m doing 18/6).


I’m an Education Consultant for a software company, I work entirely from home now. I feel more focused since I started fasting a few weeks ago. Hunger pangs were distracting before, and since I tried to eat healthy, I was spending a lot of time cooking and preparing lunches and snacks. Now I don’t even think about food until the work day is over!

I also have more energy, a lot more energy!


Work as a Pricing Consultant. Mostly analytics on a day to day basis and fasting helps me focus through the day. Also noticed about 2 months ago that lunch was causing grogginess and cutting it to one meal a day has made a huge improvement in my work efficiency.

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