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What does everyone think?

Read this article and it goes against what I thought was allowed during intermittent fasting


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Tears. You can put tears of sorrow in your boring bitter black coffee.

Edit: don’t trust most chiropractor’s medical advice. They are not fully trained physicians. Closer to physical therapists than doctors. Find a real doc for real advice.


IMHO, their differences in blood glucose were very small, almost negligible (within testing device measurement error ranges). They are also relatively fit. If possible, try their tests on yourself to see how YOU respond. For me, cream interferes with weight loss: it doesn’t throw me out of ketosis but I’m burning dietary fat rather than body fat.


none of thr additives they tried contain carbs - just fats. so its not unexpected that it didnt raise blood sugar levels noticably. but those aren’t supposed to fluctuate much in a healthy person anyway. id like to see them measure insulin levels though-that would be interesting.


Forget the credentials. Study was followed up with measured data. I guess it depends on the fasting purpose. If you’re doing it to not raise blood sugar, then it is legit. I just thought it was interesting and informative. Blood sugar really is the killer for most unhealthy issues. So I’m sure it would help a lot of people at least start off intermittent fasting to curb hunger pains without wanting carbs/sugar until they get used to it and can eventually stay off having BP coffee during a fast.

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