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What Foods Do You Eat When Breaking Your Fast?

Been doing an 18/6 IF 2MAD for about a month. Usually I have a small lunch that will break my fast at noon, and a bigger dinner. today I had a bigger lunch and noticed a headache and some jitters and started looking into the importance of the foods you eat when breaking a fast.

I’m curious what works for you guys, I’m trying to create a list of fast breaking foods for when I pick up groceries.

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On a good day? Start with protein (a shake, sardines, eggs, etc) or veggies (carrot sticks, salad, etc).

On a bad day? Chocolate, peanut butter, cookies, whatever’s in that cabinet.

Keep that cabinet filled with good stuff.


I break with just straight up meat. Chicken, beef, fish, whatever’s handy, with either nothing or maybe I dip it in a lil sauce, like it’s a chicken nugget. I’ve found I almost never have stomach issues this way, even after a 3 day fast. (Note: never break a 3 day fast with pizza) Then I eat some veggies, then whatever I want.

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