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What's different this time?

I (M50) previously lost 60 lbs doing 18/6

I put 30 of that back on last year and am now trying IF again but my weight refuses to budge, even a pound. Been 18/6 and 16/8 for 4 weeks.

My diet is broadly the same in terms of food types but I am doing a lot more exercise, specifically swimming every day.

I’m not calorie counting so my theory is that I’m not in deficit as I am eating more because body needs it?

Anyways, any advice here? Is my body adjusting? Do I need to start CICO? Should I try and change diet, reduce carbs for example?

Any advice would be super, thank-you friends

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Not exactly the same but I found that when I was running almost everyday, it was extremely easy to go over on calories. I didn’t start seeing any progress until I was actually counting calories.

Are you eating the same amount of food if your diet isn’t changing? Is your diet the same as when you lost the 60lbs or when you gained it back? Did you break from IF when you gained the weight back?

When I was running everyday I found it best to drink a protein shake right after working out. It tied me over until my meal and helped me not over-eat at my meal when I got there. If you do not want to count calories I would start there.

Finally, what is the intensity of your swimming? Do you switch up your workouts or do a certain distance/stoke each day? Your body adapts well so I would imagine (like running) you should also be switching up your swimming routine! Have days where you do tempo swims, all out sprint laps, and long easy days.


Hit 100g protein and 30g fiber every day and drink tons of water. You won’t have much room for any food that’s not helping your body.

Say no to alcohol and added sugar.

Make those simple changes and see if that helps.

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