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What's your go-to breakfast for a busy day?

What’s your go-to breakfast for a busy day?

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Smoothies that check off all the macros — carb from rolled oats and a fruit, fresh or frozen leafy green, protein from milk (soy or pea due to lactose sensitivity) & 1/2c Greek yogurt, healthy fat from avocado, chia seeds, or plain PB.


If busy out of the house I get the egg white protein bites and a coffee. If I am home then I think making oatmeal and scrambled eggs is pretty quick, about 5 minutes.

When I have more time in the mornings I like to make miso soup with seaweed and mushrooms, or bean sprouts depending on what I have, and eat that with two eggs cooked in sambal over rice. I like to include a bowl of strawberries or an apple after breakfast.


Used to be overnight oats or oatmeal in my instant pot but I’m pretty sure I developed an oat allergy or intolerance or something - I ate oats near daily, loved them, and now I just can’t tolerate them. End up with stomach pain all day, plus some nausea.

These days it’s soft boiled eggs and toast, or a protein shake with yogurt, peanut butter, banana, and protein powder. Usually fills me up for several hours.


I’ve found that when I minimize carbs for breakfast, I have more energy. For me, a carb-heavy meal can leave me feeling sluggish by late morning. Instead, I try a more protein-dense breakfast - a 3- or 4-egg omelette with some vegetables (bell peppers, etc.) or avocado, always making sure it’s flavorful, enjoying it slowly. I’ve noticed also that no matter what I’m eating and no matter how busy my day, when I take the time to enjoy breakfast slowly, I have a more focused, productive and efficient day.

EDITED per critical comments.


I batch make homemade Muesli and mix it in with milk and yogurt, toss in some frozen blueberries and take it to work with me.

Lots of fiber and healthy fats from the oats, dried fruits, nuts and seeds.


Protein shake: 250ml water, 2 spoons of greek yogurt, frozen fruit, banana, 2 scoops of whey

3-5 eggs scrambled

2 slices of sourdough bread with butter

Takes me 10 minutes to make when I’m bouncing around the toaster, oven, and blender.

If I have less time: just greek yogurt and oats.


4 whole eggs, English muffin w butter/jelly, half a banana w peanut butter, and some type of yogurt/kefir. Then finish it off w coffee and some green tea. Keeps me going for a solid 6-7 hours before I’m hungry again


My in-office days I usually have a small bowl (1-2 servings) of cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt (sometimes with some frozen blueberries tossed in), a banana, and a protein bar. Typically I have the cottage cheese while drinking my coffee, before leaving the house. The banana or protein bar shortly after getting to work (or sometimes on the way), and the remaining banana or protein bar 1-2 hours later.

My telework days are generally a banana first thing, and, around brunch time, usually an egg sandwich (two eggs, cheese, bacon/turkey bacon, lettuce on a bagel, english muffin, or toast). Those aren’t typically “busy” days though.


A Clif bar and a Starbucks energy drink. 20g of protein and some sugar to replenish my glycogen stores from the 8 miles I mountain bike to work.

This a great example of how nutrition isn’t one size fits all. I have no appetite in the morning, and cardio makes it worse, but it would be stupid not to have something after fasting for eight hours and doing fifty minutes of bicycling.


The quickest thing for a protein bomb breakfast is to take 100g low fat cream cheese (20g protein) and mix with a spoon of your favourite flavoured protein powder and a bit of water. I call it protein custard.The quickest thing for “it’s cold outside, I need warm food” breakfast: crack 3eggs into a pan, tortilla on top, turn around, salt, pepper, done.Or oats but meh… not a fan of oats.


Oats or some cereals ( not the ones loaded with sugar, and artificial flavours and colours), some fruits and berries, some dry fruits and nuts, and coffee, tea or milk. That’s what I would usually have when I’m busy, and if I am extremely short on time, then I would just eat a banana or an apple, and take a glass of milk. These are not the only quick breakfasts that I have, but only these came to my mind right now.


Low-fat vanilla yogurt with chia seeds, unsalted mixed nuts, flax seed, granola, and as many different kinds of fresh berries we can keep on hand: blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. I named it “Jough Yogurt” in LoseIt and while it’s high in calories, it’s also super high in nutrition (and keeps me full for hours).


I meal prep muffins like banana and raspberry muffins, individually wrap and freeze them and take one out as I desire. They thaw out really quick and last a couple months in freezer if wrapped well.

Bonus if you have a few seconds to microwave the muffin in a damp paper towel, brand new.


I meal prep, so steak and eggs for me takes less than 10 mins but if I had nothing prepped a protein shake. Blend oats and hemp hearts, add 2 scoops protein powder, milk, stevia, vanilla extract. You can add a lot in terms of flavor to a shake and with those base ingredients it keeps me full for a while.

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