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What’s your weekly fasting schedule?

I’ve been practicing IF for 50 days now. Settling into a routine that looks like 18:6 sometimes 20:4. Not calorie counting, eating healthy foods. I’m keeping it pretty loose because I want a lifestyle change. Curious about what others schedules look like.

Are you strictly following a routine or mix it up?

During fast I drink black coffee, apple cider vinegar mixed w water. That’s what works for me.

Writing this here for manifesting purposes: SW: 188 CW: 185 GW: 160-65. 5’9” 43/F

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I do IF 7 days a week, most days I do 18:6 fasting from 6pm till 12pm the next day and I break my fast with a fruit usually as i end up waiting till 2pm or later to eat my actually lunch that I bring from home.

At least twice a week, and today was one of those days, I end up fasting for closer to 20 plus hours if Im out on the road and leave my lunchbox at work then Im really out of luck to eat anything except my black coffee and I only have two cups. When the fasting gets extended like that I still close my eating window at 6pm cause I dont like feeling full of food going to bed.

Regardless if Ive done multiple 20 hour fasting days during my work week I still stick with my weekly Friday night into Saturday 2pm 20 hour fasting and 4 hour eating window although sometimes even those days get pushed a little later if an event gets changed or something happens where we arent eating right away.

Just making mention of it here, I also do fasted exercise in the morning before work four days a week but am going to increase it to five days a week doing my workouts Monday through Friday and finding something to keep me moving around on the weekends.

Starting weight on 2/2/23 was around 176 pounds, currently at 167.8 and this past week was able to be in a caloric deficit for five out of seven days. Sunday was my first real cheat meal where I almost ate everything I wanted, but not so much because I stuck with proteins as much as i could so maybe it wasnt as reckless as I imagined Id be so maybe next time I’ll really go at it lol. Had to be at least 2500 calories total in that one meal at the buffet, I did end up making it an OMAD day for the first time ever because I didnt finish eating until almost 3:30pm so I just said ah Im pretty full I’ll just start fasting now instead of trying to eat again before 6pm.

Hope this helps.


I do 16:8 four days a week. No breakfast Saturday and Sunday, no dinner Monday and Tuesday. My doctor said to not just cut out the same meal everyday because your metabolism will slow down to compensate. So I like to keep my body guessing.


I fast 2x a week for 24 hours. The rest of the week I eat normal. I’ve done 16:8-20:4 for years but recent studies say that if you burst fast that your body doesn’t just get better with insulin sensitivity but also glucose sensitivity.


I allow myself to mix it up and don’t restrict myself to certain hours. But so far I’ve noticed a pattern appear anyway. I’m only on day 14 and mostly do 17/7 on weekdays and 1-3 hours longer on weekends.

I eat with my coleagues at 11 at work so that’s the time I break the fast. I have a light supper when I get home and that just happens to usually be 7 hours.

Also exercise when I can, drink no alcohol and eat as few sweets as possible.

I’ve been losing a steady 1kg per week so far. I fully expect to lose less as time goes on since it’s apparently fastest at the start. But so far I’m ecstatic! No other weight loss method has been this easy with such good results for me!


When I could fast (can’t now due to meds) it was 16:8 everyday with my eating window 11-7 and my cheat time was Saturday night into Sunday morning.

Once I get meds sorted it will look different but that worked well for me.


I do 18:6 (roughly) during week days. On the weekends I don’t plan for it really because I’ll be on the road or visiting family. If I’m at home I’ll stick to my usual plan because it’s easy for me to do.

Right now I’m on a mini cut doing OMAD 6 days a week with one refeed day (roughly 16:8).


You are my fasting is very similar to mine. I break my fast (18:6, 5pm - 11 am) with yoghurt and berries and try to push the “big carbs” to the afternoon.

5’8” 39/FSW: 200 lbsCW: 195 lbsGW: 160 lbs

I have been fasting for about 50 days as well.


I try to do 20:4 during the week, sometimes it ends up being 18:6 based on meetings and when I can fit something in. Weekends I just go with the flow. Sometimes I get to 16 or 18 hours, other times we go out for breakfast. I try to be flexible and not let it run my life. I only started up again at the new year, but I’m down from 210 to about 198 and haven’t really changed anything else. Same workout schedule as before.


I’m similar stats to you - 5’9”, 40s. I’m currently 160 and want to get below 150.

I fast at least 16 hours on weekdays, usually 17-ish. I try to fast as close to noon as possible and start fasting as near to 6:30pm as possible.

On weekends, I plan a minimum of 12 hours fasting and try to do my best. In other words, I fast as many hours as I can given social plans, and make better eating choices.

If I stick to it, I can lose 1-2 pounds per month, which is good with me. If I try to be more extreme, I just end up in a restrict-binge cycle.

Edit: I also work out first thing in the morning. Weights & cardio 2-3 days a week, and yoga 3 days a week


I do 18/6 during the week and chill out a bit on weekends. I have a $1000+ coffee setup at home and I only use it on weekends now, lol. During the weekend I still don’t really eat breakfast or lunch but I just eta a bit of fruit, cheese of whatever during the day. Probably no more than 5-600cals.

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