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When do the benefits of a healthy diet kick in?

Not completely unhealthy and I cut out dairy and a lot of sugar but I’m planning on eating mainly fruits and vegetables 24/7 I’m wondering when will I see benefits from eating an assortment of fruits and vegetables all day everyday

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Probably not the best to hear but eating health you often actually will feel like shit at first. I’m sure a huge part of it is the shift in your gut microbiome when you incorporate healthy foods. There’s a ton of bad bacteria in your gut on a Standard American diet.

Anyway it really depends how “healthy” the food is that you are eating that’s a super vague word and your current health. I would say give it a good two weeks


Not sure about a healthy diet. Just something you found on the internet. Be very careful cutting out dairy and gluten. Your body will have a hard time producing enzymes if you want to come back to them. Better be a diet you can do forever.


I think it depends on where you are with your health and your goals. Is it about treating any particular conditions, weight loss, mental clarity and so on?

I’m on a similar journey myself and noticed a lot of changes in the first month (like stable blood sugar, no light headedness, no hunger obsessions) and am still seeing changes 6 months later like continued weight loss.

And if you want to accelerate changes, look into green smoothies and juices. It costs a bit but they accelarate by 5-10x the nutritional input to your body. Also look into the Hypernourish protocol by Brooke Goldner on YouTube.


It takes around 2 years, if you’ve been eating wrong enough for long enough. Make sure it’s mostly just low starch vegetables - not simply vegetable matter. And get quality protein somehow.

Technically an avocado is a fruit, so eat plural avocados and you’re good on fruit. If you’re rich have some dark berries too.


I would say 2 wks to feel it mentally & physically, exercising, lifting weights, etc.. 6 wks for a noticeable physical appearance. Most fruits contain a lot of natural occurring sugar. depending on the results your looking for at least .5 gram of protein per every pound you weigh & almost equal carbs but the good carbs to help with energy & not crashing. Intermittent fasting for 12+ hrs daily, as in no food from 8pm to 8 am. Also I really try not to consume calories if I’m not being active enough to burn them.as they say diff diets work for different ppl. I’m not really dieting right now but I follow a light form of all listed above as much as possible. It’s basically what I created over a couple decades that work for me personally. So I’m no professional but just trying to give a little insight.


Well generally you won’t notice a big difference unless you a very malnourished or coming from a diet that included a ton of processed foods.

Also just because you are eating fruits and vegetables doesn’t mean you are eating a “healthy diet”. You need to determine what you are lacking nutrition wise and fix that within your diet to notice differences.

For example. Get a hair mineral analysis done to see which minerals you are low in. This will help you form a diet around what you need, not what a bunch of reddit users tell you is healthy. Also a hair mineral analysis will tell you which heavy metals you need to detox, as heavy metal toxicity will cause a plethora of problems within the body.

I can 100% guarantee you if you do those two things above, get your mineral levels optimized, plus detox heavy metals, you will absolutely notice a difference in your health.


Depends how long you have been eating unrestricted and what that consisted of. If you spent 3 months on a successful diet and then took a week or two off, it could be only a couple days before you feel your body get back in in its groove compared to someone who has been eating unrestricted for 4 years and is just now starting a diet, they probably won’t notice a big difference until 1-2 weeks in.


Cutting out processes sugars is great, IMO. Cutting out dairy and gluten/carbs should probably only be done for conscience reasons and/or intolerances. If you don’t fall into one of those 2 categories, which it doesn’t sound like you necessarily do, then keeping these in moderation vs restricting s by far of greater benefit. A 6-8oz glass of skim/low-fat milk a day can provide you with incredible calcium - plain Greek yogurt can provide you with a great source of calcium, protein, probiotics, etc. Personally, I have gone gluten free because of skin issues - different but similar to eczema. But if I could eat it, I would totally be eating 1 slice of multi-grain bread per day.

I did read that you had a skin issue? What is it? I would honestly recommend cutting one of those 2 things first to see if they could be part of the source. In which case it can take 1-3 weeks for a noticeable change to occur. If you don’t see the change you were hoping for…then maybe try cutting the other out for 1-3 weeks. Make it a trial test. Anyway, just my 2 cents.

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