| | Water Fasting

When the scale finally gives

Yaaaaaay! I’d been stuck yo-yoing between the same 3lbs for like 2 weeks and finally the scale broke and I’m down a pound!

I was feeling so frustrated because I’m still pretty early into fasting, less than two months in, and for my weight to refuse to budge anymore was super frustrating.

It just goes to show that perseverance pays off.

If anyone else is feeling stuck, you can do it! It just takes time!

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This is one I feel on a deep level - and it happens every month for me. I’ll drop 5-6 lbs, then wobble within 2lbs for like two weeks, then drop another 5-6lbs in a week, then wobble, etc. It took me a bit to realize what was happening.

It has worked out to be roughly a 10lb average per month of weight loss across time, though some months are higher. I recently switched to OMAD and that has kickstarted things a bit.

You’ve got the right attitude - try not to get discouraged, trust the process, and see if you can pick up on what your pattern is. I’m just coming off of a pretty big drop so I know I’ll start to wobble baby wobble here shortly and just ride it out until the next drop begins to happen. Until then…water water water and keep wearing the motivation clothes I’ve picked up in the interim.


I had that, too, middle of the second month - 15-17 stuck! Kept my calories the same but added some exercise, which seemed to kick it back in gear.

Then I happened again around the 20-22lb mark. 🙄

Down 27lbs in 3 months, though, so there’s that! I need to lose 40-45lbs - I’ve been told that that’s why I get a bit plateaued, because I don’t have as much to lose in total.

Don’t know if that’s correct, but it sounds good! Lol.


That is pretty typical for women fasting! Our bodies are constantly bloating and holding water, often not at the same times in our cycle. It’s pretty typical for me to “plateau” for a week or two then proceed to drop 3-4 lbs over the course of a week or two. The confidence of knowing you aren’t plateauing will fade over time but just trust you are doing the right thing for your body, and the weight will eventually leave!

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Categories: yo-yo to fast weight loss omad courage calories tea bloating