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I really like reading non-scale victories. What's your non-scale victory?

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(IF’er for 3+ months)

My boyfriend and I broke up two weeks ago. It was a bad breakup, and the last two weeks have been really hard. If I hadn’t been doing IF, I would have been bingeing on Dominos and Ben and Jerry’s to try to take the pain away.

Now when I’m tempted to eat my feelings, I think, “I already feel bad, why would I eat food that makes me feel worse?” It’s stupidly simple. But for whatever reason, I just didn’t see it that way before IF. It has totally changed my relationship with food. I feel like I’m truly taking care of myself in a tough time.

Thanks for your post. I like the NSVs too!


Yesterday my thickest sweater fit under the fancy coat I bought myself when I was at near highest weight and looked stylish! Coat used to be snug on the arms with NO shirt on!

Non-scale victories are the best, I try to look for them everyday!


Had some blood work done last week!

My HDL is 68, LDL is 122, trigs are 44. Total cholesterol is 199.

18 months ago, HDL was 39, LDL was 139, trigs 126, and total 203.

So I’ve made some good improvements!


My resting heart rate (reported by my watch) is consistently 5+ bpm lower than it was before I started. It’s only been about 10 days so this is great for me! IF is part of my plan to increase my cardio fitness and it’s nice that it’s actually working!


With only having to plan two meals a day, I’ve increased the quality of the food and meals that I’m making. I’m enjoying food more as I am hungrier when it comes time to eat and want to get the most bang for my buck. I’m learning what foods my body and digestion likes, because it’s really obvious when you haven’t eaten in 18 hours and only have two meals what’s causing digestion distress.

OH and a weird one - I was always terrible at taking supplements because I’d procrastinate on them and tell myself, oh I’ll have it with the next meal / snack. Now, with only two meals, I only have a limited opportunity to take them (has to be taken with food), so I’m actually consistently taking them now.


I don’t have reactive hypoglycemia any more! My body used to overreact to food and pump out too much insulin, so my blood sugar would crash 4 hours after every meal. I’d have to eat again to feel better, which just meant another crash 4 hours later. With IF, I got off that rollercoaster. Now I do OMAD, and my blood sugar stays in the normal range all day while I fast. It is so nice not to have those crashes.


I have not weighed myself in 10 weeks since I started (triggers me to give up in the past) I have worked my way back up to 5 mile runs and I finally tried on some jeans (I had moved into sweats and yoga pants this year) and I literally cried. Tried on some outfits that I look better in now then when I bought them. I want to socialize again, I feel GOOD

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Categories: binge pain heart cardio digest stress snack blood sugar omad