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Which sandwich would be the “healthier’ option?


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What does “healthy” mean to you?

And do you have a list of ingredients for each sandwich? Do either of these options contain vegetables or anything else that would be a good source of micronutrients?


The subway sandwich probably has a higher proportion of protein and less fat per calorie. It has a fairly high amount of sugar for a sandwich, but it’d only be ‘too much’ sugar if you’re also getting loads of sugar from elsewhere in your diet. It may have less sugar and more fibre if you choose a wholewheat bread, plus you can load it with salad toppings.

I don’t think Greggs is generally regarded as a place that sells healthy foods.


I personally would opt for the second sandwich and probably have half now, half in a few hours (I don’t know the size for reference).

Just smelling Subway makes me physically ill (not an exaggeration) and the extra sugar is the deal breaker for me; I don’t like their bread so I’d basically just be picking the chicken out to eat and that definitely won’t leave me feeling full. The second sandwich, though more calorically dense, has less refined sugar which for me is a bigger concern (refining sugar and putting it in so much stuff, imo, is one of the worst things we could have done for our health).

I feel like with the second sandwich there’d be greater satiety which would mean less likelihood to snack later; with the first I’m going to feel I missed the mark ordering it, I’ll be hungry, and I’ll resort to something quick, cheap, and unhealthy to make up for it later (vending machine most likely, for a drink and food).


Well, protein and fiber, carbs are also important. But most probably the chicken tikka since there’s much less salt and most probably more volume per kcal. And I guess also more protein per kcal. Fibers are forgotten often. Whereas to me you want as much fibers and protein as possible, low fat, low salt.

Without a full macronutrient statement it’s not really good to compare. Also total weight should be mentioned…

The difference of 2 vs 6 grams of sugar is about 1 sugarcube - while the difference in fat is much more and 120 kcal difference of (probably) saturated fat.

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