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why am I extremely hungry after breaking my fast and I can't stop eating

I feel like there is a hole in my stomach and I’m starving and even If I eat I’m still hungry

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This used to happen to me. I have better luck when I break a fast with a lot of veggies and protein, lower in carb. Ie a salad with a sausage or chicken and an apple. Curry over cauli rice. It lets me feel satiety with moderate calories, and I can last to the next meal, eat a reasonable amount and feel full. I haven’t eliminated carbs, but I feel much better when I end my fast low in carbs, high in volume. I’ve found r/volumeeating has a lot of great ideas for foods that fill you up without ruining progress. R/intermittentfasting is another good sub to visit for ideas from others breaking 18 hour fasts.


I’ve found that breaking my fast with a snack, then taking a break, helps me feel full. It gives my body an hour or so to realize there is now food in my stomach! Then I snack a bit more or eat a full meal and my body reacts as it does had I not fasted.

I am breaking a 46 hour fast today with: half an avocado, sauerkraut, and some chicken salad. An hour or two later I’ll have some nuts and cheese. Then I will have a balanced dinner: protein, lots of veggies, a little bit of rice.

This has worked best for me personally!


I usually break a fast with a small snack like banana or raisins. Something fruit/ veggie. And then I take a fibre supplement before I eat dinner. That is usually enough for me to do another 20 hours at least.

I used to be like that, and I think it’s about building up will power combined with training your brain to adhere to the fasting schedule.

It’s important to take your time and listen to your body too though.

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