| | Water Fasting

12 lbs down! I’m really proud of my self control :)

F30 SW 192 CW 180 GW 165

I’m on day 9 of my IF journey! I started out doing 16:8’s then started doing an 18:6 then I accidentally did a 20:4. The 20:4 was hard for me I’m not gonna lie! But I’m going to go back down to 18:6 for the next few days and consider doing 20:4’s once a week.

I’m not really following a specific diet, it’s tailored to what I feel is best for my body. I decided to cut out processed foods and eat little to no sugar. I made a keto brownie and cake the other day which satisfied me.

And let me tell you.. I was a sugar addict. It’s still hard for me, but I’ve been exercising self control. Right now there’s a box of donuts above my refrigerator that I’m ignoring lol. My husband ate ice cream next to me last night (doesn’t bother me - he can eat what he likes!) and I was in my fast window. Decided to drink water and fall asleep instead lol.

I tried adding progress pics but reddit seems to be a little funky today.

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Cool! You’re just a couple inches taller than me, but we’re the same age, CW, and have the same GW! Your commitment to self control is awesome – I can’t even have things like that in the house without eating it in the middle of the night lol


What an amazing start! I wish I could say it gets easier to ignore sweets / treats in the house but that is a challenge for me every single day. Sometimes I fit them into my eating window, sometimes I don’t.

Can’t wait to see more updates from you!

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