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-40 lbs (149lbs to 110 / 68kg to 50) in 2 years as a teen (17yo to 19), how did my life change ?

(Im 5”3’ / 160cm)

PROM (april 2019) 149lbs-68kg \/\/\/ April 2021 110lbs-50kg

Big storytime ahead lol, enjoy :

For starters, I have never been obese, or having health problems bc of my weight.
I’m from Europe, and i guess that the beauty/weight standards are quite more extreme than in the US, so since i was a kid, i’ve always felt “fat”. Also i was extremely active from my 3yo to 11yo (i was doing ballet, but got bored of it so i stopped), and my weight rapidly increased once i’ve stopped doing sport.

14 was the age when I started rapidly to take on weight (i was around 125.5lbs / 57kg), and the scary thing was that it was essentially fat. Even though we ate extremely healthy at home, I was, as every teenager, struggling with image, my body changing, and self confidence, which eventually led me to use food as comfort. I would eat more than other kids at lunch at school, use the money i would get for xmas/birthdays to buy food,…
And the more I’d do that, the more i felt bad about myself.
Then came high school. My family and I actually moved to another city, so new school, new people, new beginning (:
But High School is also a jungle on its own, and I slowly started an existential crisis. Combined to my body images issues, I started trying to change how i looked by every way : hairstyle, hair color, clothing, makeup,…
It helps me in a way ; when people would look at me, I would not interpret it as a “it’s because i’m ugly” because i knew my style was very extravagant. The typical “im so edgy and different” phase lol. I was ashamed to go to sport class because my cardio was so bad and also i just hated wearing leggings or other tight clothes. The “cool kids” never really talked to me or anything so I was hanging out with the nerdy peoples. I’m actually 100% fine with that because I’m still friend with them and i LOVE them.

But anyways, went on to senior year (2018-2019). From sophomore to end of junior, i maintained my weight (132 lbs / 60 kg) and at this point, my height was the same as today. I had a HUGE crush on a dude that was in my geometry class, but he was hanging out with the popular kids. We still became friends because he was a choir kids (and so was i) and he was totally confortable with his own “nerdy” side. I would have a lot of pressure about what would i do after high school, plus the fact that i would see him with pretty girls all the time, food became quite an addiction. I gained 17lbs / 8kg that year. By the end of the year, my crush and I actually got very close, to a point where we eventually kissed which gave me a bit of my confidence back. We never got in a relationship though but we were still friends. Prom arrived, and my crush didn’t go (Prom is not that big of a deal in my country) but i was the only one in my friendgroup without a date, which made me feel sad. I’m not blaming this only on my weight to be honest, I know that i was a lot more shy that i am today, not as confident, and i was CRAVING attention and validation, so i wasnt the best version of myself mentally either.


Moving on to after summer, i’ve been accepted to my dream college and moved alone. That’s when I’ve decided that, it was time to do something. I started cooking everything, cutting sodas, going to the gym (once a week at the beginning, but progressively 3 to 5 times a week, which im still doing today), and then i learned about IF, thanks to this sub (btw i’ve been coming here everyday for like months but never created an account lol, idk i feel like i’m always scared of being judge, but anyways. Idc anymore, here i am haha)

I started 16:8 from september to december, then moved to 5/2 for about 6 months (during the first covid lockdown as well), and then OMAD, + if i was feeling it, some weeks, I would do a 72hours fast.
During the fist lockdown, gym were closed at some point so i stated running, at least one hour, everymorning. It might sounds a little extreme but i’m the kind of person that has to have a routine (especially during a time where you’re forced to stay at your place and not go out), otherwise i dont get things done. And including running in my routine was definitely the right choice (: I also changed my clothing style ad haircolor (i went back to my natural blond hair after dying it black for like YEARS).

So, how am I feeling today ?

Sincerely it’s quite strange. I do feel pround and better about myself, I’m not gonna lie. I do like wearing tight clothes now, and I am way more confident than before. I don’t regret anything.
But here’s the thing : some people that never talked to me before suddenly wanted to be my friends. Some guys that I knew from a long time suddently seemed to like me. And i’m not dumb, I know that we are in a society were how we look is a big social factor, but i’m not gonna lie about it, learning it the hard way hurts.
A lot of people told me (about stuff i like / my humor /…) “wow I had no idea you were this kind of person” but that’s just because they’ve never taken the time to know me before my “glow up”.
A lot of people that would say when i was heavy “omg you’re so pretty !” admitted lying at that time. Now I’m one of the “cool kids” at my UNI, and I’m happy about it, I have some really good friends but yep, sometimes, i have self confidence issues because i’m wondering “would life be like this if i was still the weight i was before ?”

I was wondering if i was the only one that experienced this kind of social changes and feel bad about it sometimes ? I’d be happy to read your stories in the comments if that’s the case !

So the only thing i can say is, if you start a weightloss journey, please, do it for yourself and yourself only. People will always be disappointing. (Except my family that always had my back <333).

I’m still the same as on the second picture now, i’m maintaining the weight with cardio, and 16:8 (:

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk lol ((:

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Congrats on your weight loss! It really feels good to take control. I completely understand your feelings about how your social life has changed. You are correct, there will be people who seemingly come out of the woodwork that may have ignored you before.

BUT I do want to say that it is only a handful of people that do that with ill intentions (like people who mistreated you before that make a sudden shift, etc.). just from your post I can tell you are very proud of your accomplishments, happy, and confident now. It’s good to remember that when you have that confidence, it can be radiant and comes out of you in your interactions, they way you hold yourself, talk, walk, and keep your head held high. I imagine that people see your confidence and smile and are drawn in more. The way we feel comes out in subconscious ways that we aren’t even aware of, like our facial expressions. I know when I am having a really great day it seems like I run into and have really great interactions with people. While when I am moody or upset, the whole world feels against me.

I think it is important to keep in mind that you being confident and happy is going to draw more positivity to your life and you are going to build stronger, healthier relationships not just with other people but also with your own mind. :) If you ever feel like someone isn’t genuine, it will show in their actions and the way that they treat others. Be mindful of that and I think you will find a lot of the new relationships you have been forming are coming from a good place. :)

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