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Need some help im currently 242 lbs and im 20 year old

Just wanted to know that , Is exercise necessary? Can i lose weight just by walking? I can’t go to gym and exercise at home due to some reasons

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Diet is the most important part when losing weight. Exercise will burn calories, is healthy for your body, and will promote better weight loss, but diet is most of the battle.

Walking is great exercise. A good diet with a calorie deficit and walking will have you losing weight in no time.


Exercise can certainly help a weight loss journey - it gives you a buffer, builds muscle, etc, but like 90% of it is what you eat. The body is remarkably efficient, working out a couple times a week is only going to burn a few hundred calories. In that same time our body is burning thousands and thousands just keeping us thinking, heart pumping, and breathing. Losing weight is almost always eating under your metabolism first and foremost.


I lost a lot of weight from just IF. When I started I was dealing with really painful untreated arthritis and wasn’t really able to exercise much. I still lost more weight doing IF with no exercise changes than I did when I worked out 4-5 times a week, and didn’t really change my diet before when I was preparing for my wedding. Calories in/calories out is the most important factor.


Exercise burns some calories, but more importantly: it helps reduce stress and anxiety. Those feelings come with hormones that do make us fat, so if you can lower them, you’ll be more likely to lose weight. And for me, walking is a really effective way to lower my stress levels. I’m sure it will work for you!


I’ve heard someone say that a good diet will make your clothes fit better but exercise makes you look good naked.

That said, it’s SO much easier to not eat 300 calories/day than it is to burn 300 calories/day. And ultimately it’s calories in / calories out for losing weight.


Diet first, exercise second. But exercise doesn’t have to be crazy. Can’t go outside? Walk/jog in place. Have Netflix or Prime? They have free workout videos. I live in a place with bitter winters from January - April, so I’m unmotivated to head to a gym and freeze my behind off. So I’ve slowly built up a gym at home. Exercise bike, rowing machine, TRX, a few more things. Look for used equipment for sale. A lot of people just want it out of their homes.


I was 247 at 511 and lifting weights and basketball worked for me.well along with good diet. I did it thru dirty keto. Less carbs more meat and veggies. If you’d gonna eat carb go healthy natural carbs like fruit and high fiber foods. You can do it bud. Its definitely not gonna be easy but it Is simple. Burn more calories than you intake and weight will drop. Don’t expect instant results. Give it a month of dedication and then evaluate. I suggest you take a Pic also .you won’t notice the results probably yourself but the picture will show it. Good luck my friend.


This is what I did, start going as long as I could without consuming calories. This will take time. I was thrilled at my first 16 hours (sleeping time included in that). Any fast is a good fast! I lost 50 pounds and kept it off. One meal a day suits me.


No gym or exercise is necessary but it does help.

I’m 37 6’2 was 262 lbs, today I’m 214 lbs, that was 5 months progress, my goal weight is 190. No exercise, no gym or working out, no walking. All I do is eat one meal a day for dinner, I make sure my plate is full and try to eat healthy food. I tried my best to stay away from bread and sugar and I gave up sodas and only drink water and unsweetened tea.

Good luck to you.


Exercise ist definitely helpful, but not necessarily if you just want to lose weight.I also lost 50lbs and I the only workout I did, was regular long walks. I would keep track of the protein you eat. You don’t want wo burn muscle mass.Cutting all the BS out if my diet helped a lot. Sodas, snacks basically everything with lots of added sugar.You got this, just be consistent and patient with yourself. And once you’ve lost a bit, working out gets a lot easier. Best of luck :)


You’re getting a bunch of good advice, so I’ll just say: good for you. You’ve recognized that you want things to change and have started looking at how. I believe in you, and I hope you come back in a year and tell us how things are going.

As hard as it is, it’s easier to change now than when you get older, and you’ll enjoy more of your life, longer. May the wind be at your back!


Calories in calories out Diet is key to losing weight. Walking will help but if you can incorporate maybe doing squats or pushups on your walk in a park perhaps? It could help speed up the process and keep you healthier. Start by tracking what you are eating. Myfitness pal is a great way to start. Also I would start reading labels and stay away from processed foods if you can help it. Things that are marketed as healthy are often not. I know a lot of people that have had success with whole 30. I personally lost 80lbs with Keto and I have kept it off for 8 years. Intermittent fasting is also a game changer.


I was 247 at 5’6” and am more than double your age at the start of lockdown 2020. I got down to 185 aiming for 150. The first 40 lbs I lost was just eating keto (not IF) and no real exercise. I did start exercising at the end of September 2020 and that has helped. Keto has helped my hunger cravings which has helped me keep to a 20:4 fasting schedule most of the time now.

Walking is great if you are trying to get into ketosis. Less cortisol than other high stress exercises.


I do IF 18:6 since July, and have lost about forty pounds with zero exercise and I basically eat what i want during my window I started at 240Editing to say I am also 40 years old so you should do well with IF at your age!


Hey I was in your situation about 3 months ago at least height and weight wise. IF is great because it allows you to eat anything you want as long as you are not going over your caloric needs. Want to eat a slice or three of pizza, no problem. The key is eat in your window. Dieting requires you limit yourself in some fashion. For me it’s easier to say I’m not eating from x to y and then I can enjoy what I eat. I would rather not eat during a period of time than try to substitute cauliflower for pizza crust or mashed potatoes.

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