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5 days of fasting plus weightlifting? Too much?

Hi. I’m determined to do 3 weeks of 5 days a week fasting. And I have been doing exercise as well. Is this too much? With exercise? I know I would feel better just 10-15 lbs lighter. Today is day 3 though. And I’m exhausted. I did my 40 minute workout and then took a two hour long nap. Just no energy today.

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I’ve been doing OMAD during the week and working out. 1 mile walk on the treadmill and then hitting the weight lifting machines for 1 hour a day 5 days a week. When I first started I felt tired too and sometimes had to skip a day but I’m getting over it now and can handle the 5 day stretch ok. I am building muscle and loosing weight though.


Intense exercise while fasting is unwise and unnecessary. If the goal is just weight loss then avoid eating and do some bodyweight exercise throughout the day (pushups, pullups, dips, squats, leg raises). That should be sufficient to minimize muscle loss and the lack of calories will shave the weight off. I’m down \~13 lbs in 11 days currently so shouldn’t take you too long.


It seems dangerous. Just be cautious. Sometimes when fasting, one feels a few seconds of lightheadedness, imagine that happens while a weight is above you.

Or you could do push ups instead. 10 at a time 25x can give you some impressive results and it’s safer.


During long fast it is recommended to maintain an activity. The goal is to tell your body that you need to keep that muscle.Although you can continue to exercise, you might have to do it differently, go for heavy weights and very few reps for instance as long exercices will burn you…I remember on the last day of my 52 days water fast I went on a bike ride for about 8km in the woods. Came back at 4pm and at 9pm my heart was still at 100bpm 😱

Check out this Jason Fung’s video about the benefits of sport in fasted state : https://youtu.be/Hun9pmORChw

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