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A quick thanks to this community

April 1st of this year I made a decision to drop the weight. I had lurked on this sub for awhile prior to that and thought about it from time to time, but never actually pulled the trigger.

On Feb 28th I went in for my routine physical, which of course requires a weigh in. I didn’t think going in that it was that bad, outside of seeing pictures of myself from time to time and just thinking, that can’t be right (camera adds 10lbs, shitty angles, etc). Their scale said 247lbs, I was absolutely livid with myself. I couldn’t believe that I had actually let myself get to that point (41M 5’10 btw), and I spent the next 8 hours at work just absolutely angry and depressed.

I made a conscious decision that day that I was bound and determined to do something about it, and I’m happy to report that since Apr 1st, I’ve gone from 247lbs down to (at my lowest) 192lbs with the help of this community.

This isn’t meant to be a brag post or anything like that, it’s actually a heart felt thank you to this community and its members who offer advice, post pics, and stay in the fight right along with everyone else. I’ve learned several things about IF, and about myself along the way.

So to anyone in this sub reading this, thank you! I have a little ways to go on my weight loss journey, but I know I’m in good company here, and I appreciate everyone’s effort towards our shared cause.

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I feel you. I started the year with a physical and weighed 272 (down from 315 a couple years before, but up from 230-ish pre pandemic). I dropped maybe 20 pounds by march and regained 10 or so. June I committed to 500 cal day “fasting” 2 x a week, and then 2 x 36 hour fasts a week in july. Down at 220 now, and still going strong in part thanks to the reminders and inspiration from here.

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Categories: shit heart weight loss 36 hour fast