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Any tips on long term fasting?

I have been alternate day fasting on and off for a year or so… but I am at the point now were I have about 20 lbs left to go and it is getting slow.

IMHO there is no other choice but a long term fast.

The only problem, I have been unable to do it. The longest I have ever gotten to is 64 hours. I would like to try for 74 hours starting Thursday. Anyone have any tips to make it easier?

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Drink lots of water have tea have black coffee

Exercise hard every day. I run at least an hour

Longer fast will always be harder than the shorter ones. For me I struggle with anything past two days. Since you have been fasting for so long you will probably not have such a hard time with this. At the end of the day it’s all a mental game and you have to just stick it out.

The good news is that the more you do it the easier it gets. I’m sure by now not eating on a day is super easy and comes naturally to you since you’ve been doing alternate day fasting for over a year. For me I’ve been doing 36 hour fast here and there, I’m at about 400 hours of fasting over the last six months.

I think you should just go for this 74 hour fast and stick it out unless you feel like you’re really in danger. Because whether or not it’s going to end up being difficult or not, it will become easier when you try it again next time. I had pretty much no problems on this most recent two day fast. What helped a lot was that everything I felt I have felt before and I’ve learned to expect and deal with. And so whenever I get weird problems I know how to cope with it much better. For example this time I really stayed on top of my electrolytes in water intake and so it just never really got bad. When I end my fast today at 57 hours in I wasn’t even hungry and could’ve kept going

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Categories: tips alternate day fasting tea coffee struggle 36 hour fast electrolytes