Gained some decent newbie gains recently. But still holding on to some belly fat.
Hi. Often a few days in I feel the hunger kick in. Any tips for how to keep that “full” feeling flowing through the following 20 hours after the 4 hour eating window? If it’s just “eat lots you dingus”, just...
I have been doing IF for 3 and a half years and lost 10kg (22lbs). But recently I'm struggle fighting with my hunger, which never happened before and I started gaining some weight. Is there any tips for me?
I am going for 18-day extended fast. Can you guys give me what is the most effective and acceptable exercise/s for this prolonged fasting? Thank you, everyone!
Can some of you guys tell me what your workout routine is currently I go run for about 1 hour 30 minutes is that gods or what else should I do
i was just wondering if anybody had any tips to go from 170-180 by june first as i will traveling for the summer i want to know the best and possibly quickest way to drop that amount of weight
I was wondering if there were any diabetic intermittent fasting doers here and if so if they could give me tips on how to keep my blood sugar from getting to low and ill just take IF tips in general...
So i have the cold rn , and i was wondering if he's ever said anything about beating it, other than fasting? Maybe u know any tips that will speed up the process. Thank u in advance ☺️
I've been doing 18/6 for about a month now. It works wonders and I feel amazing. My problem is getting to sleep, I'm already a bit insomniac but sleeping on an empty stomach seems to make it much worse, sometimes...
I feel like not seeing any changes in body or weight has really demotivated me in trying to be healthy I’ve gained a lot of weight because frankly I’ve just neglected myself but I’m tryna get back to being more...
It’s been extremely hard for me to maintain fasts for the past week and a half. I was doing alternate day fasts and a few 72 hours in between but I havent been able to sustain this method at all...
Title says it all haha I lost 20lbs and can't seem to go down anymore over the last few months!
by this i just mean avoiding faint/dizzy spells, exercise and such. are electrolytes really the answer to all?
Hi, I'm fasting for weight loss. I'm going to be doing rolling 24s so 24 hours without fasting and 24 hours with fasting for two weeks. To people who have done fasts could you give me some tips. I can't...
I just finished my first fast (test run of 24 hrs) and I felt great during fasting. However I think I did a mistake by eating a relatively large meal after fasting and suffered minor consequences. I’m wondering whether you...
I've understood from experience and testimonials that it is beneficial to clear the system before a DF . What are some of the methods/techniques/supplements you guys use to do this. ??? I've discovered that Isabgol (psyllium husk) is great for...
Hey all! I started alternate day fasting a few weeks ago but honestly didn't expect much success over the holidays which proved true. Now that that season is over and I can focus more on the fast and what I...
I am about to hit 24 hrs fasting for the first time in my life. I am in my 50s. I have sleep apnea, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. After watching a couple of YouTube videos last night. I...
I would like to start doing strength training to tighten everything up, but I want to make sure I don't do more harm than good
As a child I did a 24 hr fast and found it q easy. I hard swallowed water to keep hunger pains at bay and it worked. But not anymore. As an adult I can’t fast to save my life...
I've been wanting to shift to Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) for a very long time. I finally accomplished a few 36-hour fasts in December before my period hit. I'm 8 days into my cycle and I'm struggling with getting back into...
Hello, I just started intermittent fasting on an 16:8 schedule. Does anyone who is more experienced in fasting have advice for one new to this? Thank you all!
Once I’m into ketosis I sleep fine, but the first couple of nights I tend to only sleep for about 4 hours, making the next 2-3 days really shitty. I supplement magnesium L-threonate 1-2 hrs before bed, but that doesn’t...
I’m sure this has already been asked but I am planning on starting intermittent fasting as soon as I can figure this out. I work as a nurse from 7pm-7am 3 nights a week. I flip back to a normal...
I am planning to start fasting and I'm concerned about losing speed and durability if I start fasting. Any tips on maintaining high performance and fasting? My trainer recommended fasting to lose weight but I do long runs every...
My fasting window is from 8:00 PM to 12:00 PM. I like the focus and clarity I get during my fasted state in the morning, so I would like to incorporate weightlifting into that window, but I find my...
i’ve done some fasting here and there and i would usually go for about 48 hours max cause i would give in to the temptations and break the fast but i’m looking to fast for a lot longer to lose...
Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any tips on doing body recomposition? Thanks in advance.
Planning to do 48+ hrs dry fast and then roll into a wet fast with electrolytes right after for however long feels right. Goal is for depression, a rut in life, spirituality, food addiction/restriction, sugar cravings, digestive healing/resetting my micro-biome,...
I’m 64 hours into my (hopefully) 21 day fast. Not only am I not eating food, I am not drinking alcohol. I have an alcohol use issue and drink alone 6 days a week. I have been nonstop thinking of...
hi, I’ve fasted before but only for 24hrs, I simply cannot go any further because I tend to not have the strength to do so. Does anyone have any tips they wouldn’t mind sharing that and helped them continue ?...
Currently weighing in at 100kg/220lbs doing OMAD at 23:1, and while I have lost some fat, my body scans are suggesting I've lost more muscle. I'm going to try increasing my protein when I eat and increase how often I...
I’ll be drinking water/coffee/tea, so that’s why I call it partial. Posting here to hold myself accountable
Hi everybody, I've been doing IF for about six weeks now and really enjoy it. I generally stick to a 16:8 or an 18:6 though I've dabbled with smaller windows. Anyway, the issue I'm having is that falling aleep has...
I want to do a 14 day dry fast then transition into a water fast for the last 16 and do a 30 day fast in total. I’m currently on day2! Any advice or, can anyone share their experiences! Anything...
Hello. I'm a 19 year old female. I weigh 63kg and my goal weight is about 50kg. I've tried OMAD and I lot about 4kg in 2 weeks. My goal with water fasting is not weight loss alone but I...
i created note cards numbering from day 1 through day 70… & i have lots of water and ice. i plan to drink about 6 -8 bottles a day.
I originally did weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday which were also my feeding days. then the rest of the days I did water fasting. I did a dry fast yesterday and I was going to continue but I read...
Hi all, been very happy with 16/18 hour fasts Any tips for ramping things up to 20 hours and then moving to OMAD in a month or so? Thank you
I’m currently living in a place that stays warm most of the year, save for a few weeks of rather extreme cold weather. We are currently going through a cold spell and I’m finding it hard to stick to a...
I always have some fennel seeds around and have found them really helpful in fasting. When I absolutely can’t stand the hunger, I chew on a couple and it helps temporarily suppress it. I also tend to get nausea some...
Hi all, Christmas and all its glorious meals is over, so its time to start up on some healthy living again. I'm a pretty big guy (120kg) and want to do a keto/low-carb diet combined with IF. I have set up the...
Hi! I’ve done quite a few 36s, 48s and even a few 72s. Fairly comfortable with the protocol but I’m struggling to get to anything longer. Is it mostly mental? Since I am taking electrolytes etc…
I'd love to get back into fasting, but I take medication in the morning that needs food and medication at night that helps me sleep. Would a nighttime eating schedule work? Eat a big meal before sleep and a big...
Like what are some substitutes for the things you can’t eat on Keto, like ice cream, rice, bread, etc?
How do you guys do it? I can't seem to make it passed 36 hours before I become extremely dysfunctional. Would adrenal cocktails help?
So Im planning to start my first 7 day fast this Wednesday (Due to my work schedule) and wanted to see if anyone more experienced has some tips and tricks for an extended fast like this. Iv done OMAD for...
Good Evening r/DryFasting I plan to do a 21 day fast soon and wanted to look into making it a dry/ wet hybrid fast. I have dry fasted in the past. Did a couple 2 days and 1 5 day. Was...
Hi! I am fairly new to IF, but I have been doing it for a little over a week now, along with being in a calorie deficit and working out and just shy of 10lbs down. I have three Thanksgivings to go...
hi everyone, today is my day one of water fasting. i'm very stressful and desperate about my appearance at the moment, which is why i decide to go for this "extreme" diet. posting this for accountability! i'm starting at 170...
Hello, I am trying to get out of drinking but this seems unfeasible right now. Therefore I push my feeding window late, so it can acomodate a meal (dinner) and the drinking. I am 34 years old, 1,84m, started intermittent...
I struggle to get past the 16-18hour mark. I want to work my way up to 48hrs (gradually of course). I work a physical job and I do grappling. Problem is I end up with headaches, brain fog, and dizziness....
Hey all. Starting 18:6 today and interested in hearing peoples tips and experiences with weight training (heavy weights) whilst fasting. Also interested in hearing from people who do cardio, as I occasionally run
I broke my fast with watermelon and my body completely rejected it, I threw up 80% of it. I then ate organic goat cheese, avocado, and organic free-range soft boiled eggs and my body fully accepted them and I felt...
I've completed dry fasts of 9 days, 10 days and 10.5 days. Anyone having tips for going a little further?
Hey all! I’m starting a ten day fast on Friday Night, planning on going till the next Monday~ I think it’ll be fairly easy, I recently started a job at an after school program, so from 7am to 5 or 6...
Howdy! I just started to do weight training 3x a week and cardio 2x a week - normally 1-2 hours into my fasting due to a tight schedule. I’m currently breaking my normal 18 hour fast by adding in a premier protein...
If anyone could help me please with the following questions too? - how to return to eating? - do I need to take electrolytes? TIA ✨
Wanting to fast for a month. What kind of tips do y’all have? How much electrolytes should I be consuming per day, more specifically potassium? How do you fight cravings?
I’ve been heavily considering doing a juice fast as I just received a juicer recently as a birthday gift. Thoughts? Good lengths for a beginner?
I started a 5 day fast 42 hours ago and I would like some tips or advice. When I previously tried this about 2 weeks I only managed 30 hours I know its mainly a mental game and I struggled...
Hello, I've followed this sub for a while and seen some incredible journeys and achievements and I would love to start doing it myself. My 2 reasons for fasting are to lose weight and also to help improve my relationship...
It seems like I always fail around this period. Not due to hunger (very easy to get through), but mainly to cravings and boredom. I'm currently aiming for 30 days. Done multiple 3 day fasts but I always fail on the...
So I had to read a book by Viktor Frankl “Man search for meaning” for my psychology class and one of the main points that Viktor says is “ Suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds...
Hi guys, I'm new to this sub but glad I found it! I've done regular fasts before, but never a dry fast, and I'm looking for some tips as I've been trying to get into it. I'm struggling with cravings...
Basically, just like the title says. For context, when I stuck to fasting back in pre-covid days, I had my job where I could just use physical labor and the lack of human interaction to power through. Now? Don't really...
I’m on the road to a 72h but I just woke up feeling…the best way to explain it is overwhelmed. I’m a bit weak, a bit dizzy and breathing a bit faster as if my breaths aren’t enough. Should I...
Never let yourself run out of food, thinking it will help you fast longer, then get a big shop before you refeed. I've just put away far too much food lol. Last minute chucked in some refined carbs. Now I'm...
Background/ context— 38 F 170lbs for 6 months now. 6 months before that was 150 range. Pandemic took its toll on me for sure. I have done IF before (18:6) with good results (before pandemic) but...
Hi, I've never done dry fasting before. I've water fasted so I can get through the hunger, but how do y'all handle dehydration? How often do you water fast?
I (31f, 5ft 1, 175lbs) started IF last month after life insurance quote was higher due to 'build'. Lost 8lb so far! I started OMAD but after listening to the fasting method podcasts, realised I would be better with alternate day...
When I encounter a "hunger crisis" – usually around 10-11 AM, as I fast until noon – I drink a big glass of water with a spoonful of psyllium-husks stirred in it. It fills the stomach and does wonder for...
I experience extreme insomnia during multiple day fasts and it’s really affecting my daily (working) life. Any tips?
I see ppl who took all the weight off 2 years ago and still maintain. I see ppl who took all the weight of, gained it all back, and are trying to lose it again. The main difference I see...
So I'm basically way to weak to fast when I'm eating a high carb diet, I've tried numerous times and i can't do it. So I'mma try keto and then fast on the weeknd. I've betted my brother 150...
Hey guys I'm new here and I want to know what motivates you, what keeps you going, and what to expect. Also what supplements if any and why? I have a lot of baby fat to loose and I am done...
Hey guys! Wondering if anyone has any tips on how to keep fasting when you want to quit in a moment of weakness that’s purely mental - not physical? I try to distract myself with reading, walking, watching tv, etc. and...
I currently do two 24h fasts a week for a variety of reasons. I'm looking to do a 48h one just to see what the difference is to me. Aside from topping up electrolytes, any tips for the slightly longer fast?...
I dabbled in IF a couple years ago and I really loved how I felt. I wanted to get back at it again but I am having the hardest time. I get about 6 hours into a fast and I...
I’ve been doing OMAD for about a year now and what I’ve learned is my hunger just doesn’t go away during the day. I’ve tried salt, smashing tons of water, etc but all I think about is food around 12PM...
I always cave in and can’t complete the first 48 because of this. Any advice?
I've been doing 18/6 keto IF for about a month, it's working well, lost about 4kg. Today I had a friend's party and ended up bringing on sugary stuff, coke, beer, chips, hot dogs, etc. Not feeling guilty but want...
Hi! I’m new to this sub, please be kind. I used to practice IF years ago where I would eat from 2-10pm. It worked great for me and my lifestyle at the time. I have since had kids, nursed both...
I don’t love the app because it sorta just seems like a timer, but I’m new to IF so just seeing what pointers y’all might have. I’m doing 16:8.