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anyone feeling disappointed with food?

I have been consistently doing rolling 48s for January. Yesterday I broke my 72 hr fast with some KFC that I really wanted (I literally had a dream about eating it). Aaaand it wasn’t nearly as tasty/good as I imagined, like I feel totally disappointed with the concept of food and eating in general after that. Anyone ever had this feeling?

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I start to feel disappointed with food when I’ve kept practicing longer fasts.

It wasn’t making me happy anymore. It was just there for me to consume for survival. I used to be happy when eating food. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.


Yeah. It’s such a bummer! I spend all fast reminding myself that all the delicious food will be waiting for me and I can make it to the end, then my reward just totally lets me down. On the other hand, though, if food becomes uninteresting, it won’t have such a strong pull and I’ll be able to control myself better, esp in maintenance. At least, that’s what I tell myself. I also tell myself when I’m fighting to the urge to break and eat on the next fast to remember what a let down it was and there’s really no need to put up such a fuss over not eating.


I find when i fast a lot of unhealthy and sugary food does not taste good anymore, but healthy food that i would normally not like starts to taste better. I appreciate food more when i eat between fasts.


After I began fasting and cutting out sugars.. I tried eating some donuts and I could’nt take more than 2 bites.

Did not taste pleasant or desirable at all.

Just goes to show that a lot of our eating can be mental addictions / cravings


I can relate to your feeling, but its more likely that after avoiding junk food for a while, your tastebuds and hormones reset.

When you go to eat it again, you are actually realizing that KFC isnt very good food, its nutritionally empty and full of slow poisons. It no wonder you feel disappointed. Thats your body’s way of saying “Hey, Dude! This isnt what I need!”

You might be a junk food addict. A 3 day fast is about right to reset food addictions.

Try a home cooked meal, well prepared, from healthy ingredients and you will enjoy it much more.


Yep. I’ve been doing rolling fasts too. Consistently feel let down by food when I eat in between. But was keeping it keto until i took a break to refeed yesterday. Then I just ate whatever I wanted/been craving. Didn’t taste anywhere near as good as I’d imagined it and didn’t feel as satisfying going down either.


KFC is something that is consistently disappoints. I recently found a fried chicken place near me and realized that fried chicken is indeed delicious and the problem is KFC.

But to your general point, restaurants have generally been disappointing since I started. Since I eat far less frequently now I don’t mind taking the time to make food but now the bigger issue is ingredients going bad/stale between meals.


I had a long time in my life where I had lost the enjoyment of food, only to rediscover it by limiting my diet and experiencing the subtle flavour differences in the few foods I continue to eat.

The best part is not making food a big part of your life, if you expect too much of it it will become a disappointing activity. It gains its magic when it’s treated like it should be, a basic need that nourishes the body.


The more I fast, especially the longer ones, the more I grow away from fast food. It is funny cause of the insane cravings sometimes but so far every time I’ve given into those I’ve been disappointed so I decided then to just cook and have been learning to make things I enjoy and may not be perfect but definitely better.

I’ve also found fasting is a great way to find what you are intolerant to, in my case so far it has been lactose and coffee.


Disappointed with food?? I guess I’m on the wrong sub but food is the only that never disappoints me lmaooooo

The highlight of my day, the happiest moment I have is eating.

I could never talk bad about food 😭


Maybe what’s making the KFC delicious is not the KFC and it’s your gut bacteria? Fasting changes them, so there aren’t many of those KFC loving ones hanging around to tell your brain to give them more?!


i cannot agree less, i just wanna cry like “mee too” in an excited voice 🤣🤣anyway, I have been doing IF for 2 years and all the eat out came out to feel like total disappointments for me since then. they stopped tasting like my imagination until…

i found foods that does not have added salt and sugar. i cook no salt and no sugar foods (esp. chicken stews with some veggies) from time to time and to my surprise it feels so satisfying. i even changed out to crave for them when i eat normal foods. don’t know why tho. i highly recommend you to try this ;)


When I was fasting and doing keto I completely lost interest in eating after about two weeks. I had to back off on the diet because my blood sugar started crashing regularly.

The only thing I crave anymore is salads and sadly I can’t eat them because lettuce makes my diverticulitis flare up badly.


Yes. Processed foods are always disappointing now. However, I’ve always liked spending time in the kitchen and since getting a good schedule that works for me… well, let’s just say there’s always a couple days a month that I’m eating a bunch of fresh, homemade “crap”. And it always tastes glorious!


(An aside, I put a fair bit of less sugar in now if it doesn’t mess with the food coming together because things are simply too sweet now)


I think it depends for me. When I used to cave in and break my fast generally whatever I ate in a rush was disappointing. Now that I don’t really have those cravings like that and can fast pretty consistently, I actually find I appreciate foodMore when I do allow myself to eat. And when I have my treat meal, I enjoy it more than when I was eating garbage all the time


This exactly happened to me but it only happened after I ate a chocolate fudge ice cream bar thing. I had started out well eating snap peas and tofu and then I just went for the fudge thing and it was disappointing and then after that i went to eat tacos Birria tacos that was OK and then I went for some Taco Bell which was actually disappointing. I also had a frozen pizza that one was OK not too bad.

This too made me realize that my relationship with food will become healthier from now on Once I break my fast I will go to Sweet green or chipotle maybe


I haven’t noticed a dissatisfaction with food yet, but I have noticed I can’t eat nearly as much as I used to. I’ll feel like I can eat the ass end out of a rhinoceros, but I’ll get full super fast. “Get me one, Utah.”


I’ve experienced this, of really looking forward to eating something in the treat domain post-fast and it not tasting nice. The way I am interpreting it is that our bodies are trying to teach as something, body wisdom is a powerful thing!


After fasting for a number of years i’ve been too sensitized to fast food. it usually taste too salty or too sweet for me and the effects after eating it makes me sick for hours… I feeling bloated, gassy and have indigestion. I reckon it must be because i was over eating so i tried to break fast with low caloric intake 1st but I still get sick so it’s really the fast foods.

I completely removed highly processed seed oils (Corn oil, Canola oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil, palm oil etc…) from my life. Most of fast foods like KFC uses seed oils or reused frying oil which isn’t healthy these are pro-inflammatory (They say it is rich is Omega 3 but it is also rich in Omega-6 and 9 which are pro-inflammatory fats) stuff like those negate the benefits you get from fasting. I recommend cooking with Ghee (All types of cooking), Butter (Low heat), Coconut oil (Low - mid heat), Lard (for frying and baking).

If you want to try cooking South Asian and South East Asian Dish I suggest using Coconut oil. Coconut products (Milk, water, flesh, oils) are used in many curries and pan fried foods it’s delicious!

Don’t break fast with Fast Food. If you are craving for fast food then that means you still haven’t got out of that processed food addiction in your system and the health benefits you gain from fasting will be negated if you eat fast food/processed foods

I suggest Break your fast with bone broth and 1-2 hard boiled eggs.


This is so real. While fasting, I dream about how delicious all the food is. Then when I finally have some I am always, always like … meh. It’s NEVER as good as your mind makes it out to be while fasting.

It’s amazing how powerful the mind is working to try to get you to eat, which makes perfect evolutionary sense.


KFC is disappointing. I had it during lockdown - and like you I was salivating at the thought as it had been 15+ years since id had it… It was bland and tasteless chicken. Very oily, but still no taste. I havent had it since.

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