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Beginner fasting questions

Hey everyone I recently started fasting and so far so good! I’ve already lost about 6 pounds in a week but I’d like to do this in the most efficient way possible. Are there any suggestions that experienced fasters would recommend? I’ve been doing a 16:8 fast and cutting calories to have a deficit but I’m not obsessive over it but think I should maybe kick it up a notch to be more efficient. In addition I’ve also been doing daily workouts for further information.

Does anyone utilize bone broth or low calorie protein powders to increase the efficiency of their fasts/diet or have any suggestions for a beginner that could help me out. I read that if you keep bone broth intakes under 30 calories you don’t break the fast and can prolong your fasting time. Would anyone suggest this or have opinions on it?

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I try to always stay in between a 500-1000 calorie deficient. Any more will negatively effect your BMR and your body will just get use to the deficit faster. If you’re working out more, just make sure you’re adjusting your caloric intake accordingly. Your fasting window is really more about how you feel and what works best for you. I personally do OMAD, but that’s just what works for me and my schedule.

I can’t comment on bone broth or anything like that. I just stay away from any calories and just stay hydrated during my fasts. There are too many question marks for my tastes. My partner does a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for hunger suppression, but that really messes my stomach up.

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