Im thinking it doesnt. Right? I feel as if the chilli is insignificant
Cole Robinson suggest maxing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) when having the apple cider vinegar during the fast. This is to neutralize the ACV so it doesn’t damage our teeth. Does neutralizing the ACV compromise it’s properties? I notice he didn’t...
Just drank a little white vinegar and was wondering if that breaks a fast and takes me out of autophagy.
Hello! I love the health benefits of apple cider vinegar but i cannot stomach the taste, would the gummie version be worth looking into? Many thanks
Can I drink water with apple cider vinegar in the morning, before I break the fast, or is this off-limits? Also, how soon after starting a 16:8 plan do people usually start seeing progress? I am just starting and trying...
A quick google search, says it has polyphenols in it. I already mix ACV with my water, for it's hyper-tensive properties. But apparently red wine vinegar has polypenols that come from that red wine used to make it.
Apple cider vinegar Good for you yes or no and are two Table spoons a day enough Thanks.
Does it matter when you have ACV...first thing in the morning, before meals, after meals, before sleeping etc?
First question, do I drink them in the morning at the end of my fasting session OR do I drink them in the evening before going to bed? Second question, does drinking them break my IF?
I recently discovered his website via the diet doctor website and have been obsessed with reading his blog for a week now. I read his posts regarding vinegar but they seemed to be mainly discussing the advantages of vinegar for...
Tried apple cider vinegar last night and I woke up feeling horrible is it possible it lowered my blood sugar to much ? Is that good for weight lost ?
I’m seeing conflicting information on what is better. I see that drinking it on an empty stomach/before a meal can increase feelings of fullness when you eat a meal. But I’m also seeing that taking it after a meal slows digestion....
I take the Bragg brand Apple Cider Vinegar in liquid form which says it has only 1 calorie per tbsp. I take it as a supplement form which isn’t really necessary for my diet. Wondering if anybody else takes it....
Anybody know if Cole still recommends this?
I’ve noticed about two weeks in to consistent 16/8-18/6 schedule, I will get intense cravings for vinegary things. Pickle juice, cocktail onions, balsamic vinegar… it’s damn near insatiable. Is my body telling me something or is this just a weird...
Hello I am wondering if apple cider vinegar really does cause tooth decay or if that is totally a myth as stomach acid has an even less PH and is more acidic normally than ACV and then like when you're...
And can your body even absorb calcium disolved in vinegar?
does ACV actually do anything? I’ve taken a shot of the Bragg’s ACV every morning for the last year, and I eventually stopped because it was too strong on an empty stomach even after dilution. now I have ACV gummies...
everything i've read or watched about ACV seems to always add a disclaimer that there are very few studies on the benefits of ACV therefore any medicinal claims shouldn't be taken as gospel. of course there are the people that...
(The kidney shot is drink with 8oz of water with a teaspoon of baking soda) Or should i just break with a glass of regular water?
So I've recently been reading into how anti-nutrients affect nutrient bioavailability, and I want to know how to reduce anti-nutrients in plant-based foods as much as possible. I read that soaking the oats for 48 hours and adding a teaspoon of...
Added parsley, red pepper flakes, white pepper and thyme sprigs to my electrolyte water solution. Curious on opinions if this breaks a fast?
I’m somewhat new to fasting and was wondering if I could drink salt water all throughout the day or should I just do a shot of ACV. Also open to new ways to getting electrolytes. Im in college and just...
I know if weight loss is the goal, one should consider low-carb or keto too. But in terms of Dr Fung's "whole food" goals, what are the OK carbs? Clearly, "refined" flour is out. But is there such a...
My husband and I are experienced fasters and regularly do 4 day fasts. We keep up with electrolytes and hydration. The problem is after 24 or so hours my husband gets a pain in his diaphragm where it meets the...
what should i do if i am craving food
I’m trying to find a good baked oats recipe that is vegan, oil free, and nut butter free but looks like that is all there is out there. Does anyone have some ideas on what I could use? Mashed banana...
I recently started intermittent fasting(10pm to 1:00 pm). So I workout in the afternoon. Break the fast with 1/2 a whey protein as a pre workout. But I am struggling to lift heavy (the very weights I used to lift...
As I mentioned before, I'm in the middle of a 72 hour fast (currently at hour 39). About an hour ago I drank 1 litre of water, where I included some himalayan salt and a bit of what I thought...
hi! i'm doing a 48 hour fast and was wondering if mt. olive pickle juicers would break my fast after over half the way in?
I’m new to this stuff! I currently have two days under my belt, and have only consumed black coffee. What benefits have I missed out on with not just consuming water?
I'm on my 57 hour of fast, and today when I woke up my heartbeat was unusually fast, it really worried me, Becouse it is not a normal thing. ¿Is it normal to have that type of unusual heart beat...
Hello I would like to learn how to remove all pesticides from my food as I do not trust that eating pesticides over a 20 or 30 year period is smart regardless of what the USDA or whoever says is...
I live in germany. Most pickles in a jar have 4-7g sugar / 100g. They taste great, but considering the weight of a pickle the sugar-content might become significant. For example, a medium sized jar is 600g (that's 24-42g of sugar) and...
A 5g serving of stone ground mustard is said to contain 5 calories, yet the nutrition label is rounded down to 0 carbs, 0 fat, 0 protein. What would the macros look like if the serving size were an entire...
I thought it would be a fun idea to create a thread where we share fast-friendly drink recipes. I’ll begin: **Autumn in a Cup** • 1-3 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar • 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon • 1/8 tsp of ground nutmeg • a...
Hi, my sister's friend told me about this diet, and I thought I'd check it out. I've been looking over this subreddit and I'm finding some slang that I'm unfamiliar with - what are OMABs and rolling 48's/72's? Also if...
When water fasting longer than 4 days many recommend vitamins or electrolyte what is technically needed while going on a 15+ day fast ? I’ve heard you need pink salt, potassium, vinegar and how much of each on a daily...
I weigh 183lbs and I'm trying to get to 160. I'm worried that when I stop the dryfast I'll get the weight that I lost back. How would you keep it off?
What’s stopping me from roasting soya beans and grinding it into a powder and adding it to my drinks to make a diy protien powder. Soya Beans have said to have around 25g protein in 50g of soy. Any suggestions/advice?
What are some of your low sodium favorites? Snacks? Recipes? Seasoning combos? I love cooking so don’t be afraid to hit me complex or time consuming recipes or ideas! Of coarse I’ll take the simple too!
If someone wanted to eat the same thing for each breakfast then another thing just for lunch and bother for dinner would that be possible? Let’s say eggs oatmeal fresh fruit for breakfast plus a sandwhich and vegetables for lunch...
hi, I’m 24F 5’3 and 154lbs - i heard about this diet through a friend of mine who has had tremendous results and so I wanted to check it out. I want to lose 30 lbs in the next 2...
I'm curious how people can eat one meal a day and IF for 23 hours. I've been doing 2 meals in a 4-5 hour window. I tried cramming in a good number of calories to try omad and crashed into...
Do you guys feel ok taking Over The Counter medications like Tylenol or Pepcid during your fast? This heart burn is kicking my butt.
I have seen now some posts of people doing 18/6 (I thought 16/8 would be fine) but drinking Black coffee or espresso in the 18hour fasting period. Whats the point if that? I thought autophagy starts after at least 12...
Dropped from 236.1 lbs to 221.1 lbs in 7 day, November 25th to December 2nd (12 pounds). 41.9 lbs since September 17th. During this most recent fast I drank 4.5 litres of water a day, 2 of the 1.5 litre...
I did IF for 2 months and lost a few pounds however i developed major gut issues. Fyi, I did not have coffee during fasting period. Now after 2 months of IF, my stomach gets gassy post dinner until i...
I’m not sure if omad is possible or right for me but I’m curious. How do you handle hunger?
I bought a bag of organic, sprouted oats from Costco. What effect does the sprouting have on the nutritional quality of the oats? I just wonder if this is a product I should continue to seek out or if I...
Can anybody recommend me where to buy high quality reasonably priced bone broth in Germany? First time fasting longer than 7 days and want to break the fast slowly.
My mom came over and was standing like 2 feet away from me and was like… what’s that smell? Smells like acetone/nail polish remover… and then LEANED IN and smelled my breath and was like errmm that’s your breath 😅...
Is there a correlation to zinc and stomach acid? I’m trying to naturally increase stomach acid levels to digest foods properly and was wondering if anybody knew of some foods/supplements that would help? Thanks in advance!
So I was doing the snake diet and did a 4 and a half days of water fasting but I ate like crap for the next week after my metabolism wasn’t used to food and I need to stop eating...
A lot of influencers promoting that greens powders helped with bloat. Can you confirm if you've tried it and did it help? Tks
Anyone buy the gallons of pickle juice? I'd buy the small ones for 1-2$ but it's such a waste of all the pickles. I just want the juice. Here's the one I was looking at [gallon pickles juice](https://BestMaidDillJuice
Hello, I am planning on starting my first long water fast(7days) tommorow. I was wondering if there is anything I can do to relieve acid reflux? I take meds once every 3/4 days to help relieve it usually. Should I...
I feel really drained this morning and I am worried that I'm gonna have to break my fast. I'm down 10 pounds and I want to continue but I need to be able to work. I've been taking Himalayan salt...
​ [#dinner]( I'm on the 2nd day of my fast and just got a bottle of Bubbies pickles. Honestly, the thought of drinking pickle juice kind of grossed me out initially. But I was wrong. **It's REALLY good.** I've been sipping it out of...
And fruits for that matter. I feel like it takes me forever.
Hey guys, I am planning to start a water fast the day after Christmas. I heard that Pink Himalayan salt, Electrolytes and Apple Cider Vinegar are good to take while water fasting. Any thoughts on that? How much to consume, how often? If...
I get the spam, it's convenient with good macros. Why Pickles? Depending on the brand, Pickles can have quite a few carbs in. as well as sugar in the juice Cole recommends drinking. Spam is also very salty, why we...
Hey, so starting my first fast today and im bricking it. I have reduced my food consumption to 1 small meal (evening) a day leading up to my fast but was wounding if anyone has advice on how to deal...
I truly can't stand the taste of snake juice. It was the main reason why I haven't done a fast longer than 3 days. If I spread my salts and potassium out throughout the day, consume it plain and drink...
Any recommendations that don’t break fasting ?
I'm at my happiest and most peaceful when I'm fasting, but after many recent failures in doing it I pretty much don't believe in myself anymore. Now every time I want to fast, I psych myself out because "you'll just...
i am on day 4 of my 10 day dry fast and i would really like to knoe how to break my fast
I’ve been doing one meal a day (OMAD) for a while now and really enjoy it actually. But now I’ve got a cold and I’m wondering if I should eat more. I would prefer not to eat more but I...
I have been having chronic bladder pain not related to a UTI for about 4 months now (diagnosed IC)and also have chronic sinusitis which was gone for a year while I did keto but came back with carbs...I have been...
I can’t sleep unless I eat right before bed, something like bread and butter or ice cream or cereal. It’s 1:30 am and I’ve been up since 6 am. I have to get up at 6 am again in the...
I dont have a diagnosis because im poor as fuck here in Mexico LOL so i cant get to a doctor, but either way i dont want to, he just gonna put me on PPI's for sure I BURP A LOT...
I'm currently restarting my fast after my last one was cut short by headaches and nausea. I understand this is because of electrolytes but I was definitely taking them. Is there a way to calculate how much sodium, potassium, and...
I usually drink coffee in the morning but I just realized I might be breaking my fast. What are the rules when it comes to liquid because I thought it was just about the food.
Hello skinny people! I love black coffee but it makes me so hungry, so I discovered soy milk powder and with it I can postpone eating for hours. I have just one coffee spoon and it is 20 calories. So,...
I get a burning feeling in my stomach when I don't eat, it doesn't happen all the time bur is there a way to help with this? Is it as simple as taking an antacid like tums?
Hi, I've never done dry fasting before. I've water fasted so I can get through the hunger, but how do y'all handle dehydration? How often do you water fast?
Hi everyone! I’m currently 5 weeks into fasting 17/7. My eating window is from 12p.m. to 7p.m. Well my problem is, that even though I’m not hungry or feel any appetite, my stomach stars to growl 1-2 hours...
I’m 2/3 through a 72hr fast, what would you recommend breaking it with? And eating times until I can eat properly? Should I be eating small portions sporadically or does it not matter too much unless you’re doing a longer...
Does anyone have experience with fermented foods and IF?
Hello dear fasting people What sweeteners are safe to use in the fasting period? I sometimes use Sacharin or stevia, but I wonder whether it would cause an insulin response? Thanks a lot for your answers or inspiration
Hi everyone! I'm wondering if anyone might have some advice on how to substitute for rice in sushi? Preferably something that won't spike blood sugar as much. I've been reading about something called konjac rice but I've heard some people...
Hi everyone. I started my journey a week ago and I am hesitant to carry on. On day two my stomach started to burn. I am getting mild reflux but this isn’t an entirely new effect, I have felt...
I really want to get my stomach bio in better shape. I’m confused- if I drink lemon and apple cider vinegar during the day will that help if my acid reducer stops the healing benefits by reducing stomach acid? I...
So I had a thought, what would be the healthiest way someone can eat throughout the day. Now I know it's not easy to say since everyone are different but I was thinking about a general meal routine that includes everything...
Ask any simple question you like, nothing is too stupid. Here is a nice writeup from Dr. Fung about the history of fasting and some general pointers and guidelines. I encourage anyone to read it.
Hi, I was wondering if having squash in water when in a fast would break the fast. Also, would having a monster ultra, so sugar-free, would be ok to use as a preworkout for before exercise when in a fast? It's...
I dropped from 89 to 67kg in a span of two years with intermittent fasting. For the past six months I'm not seeing any difference. Tummy and thigh has so much fat left but i fear to go on Omad...
I've fasted for almost a year previously. I sometimes get this feelings of headache or brain fog. It's not hunger persay but maybe low blood sugar? It caused me to quit previously off and on. I've recently...
EDIT: TL;DR- Sticking to a "one bowl" meal approach has simplified meal prep for me. Ok so this might sound really obvious but it's a new approach for me, and I've had the most enjoyable easy time cooking, and I'm...