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Best supplements for improving memory/forgetfulness?

What supplements or foods help with improving memory or forgetfulness?

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It’s unlikely the answer you’re after however proper memory training is FAR more effective and reliable than any known supplement. There are certainly supplements that seem to show some positive effects however memory training can be free and with zero side effects. Just food for thought!


The Life Extension Foundation (lef.org) is the place I would go to and do some research. I remember a few years back seeing an article about the use of Lithium. In low doses it was shown to improve memory, I believe.

Any way check them out (they are a group of medical researchers and doctors )


Adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms. A few great ones are rhodiola rosea, astragalus, lions mane, reishi, and Ashwagandha.

Most important thing to do to improve brain function is to detox heavy metals out of the brain. I would get a hair mineral and heavy metal analysis done to find out which metals are in high concentrations and then go from there. 👍

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