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Can I just strait up fast for 2 months strait?

Im 60 pounds overweight. I lost 30+ pounds with snake diet in june but in july, I stopped fasting because of summer college class exams and I started binge eating. I feel like I can’t control myself around food. Would it be okay if I fast for 2 months strait?

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Can you? Yes. There are fasting clinics and doctors you can find to make sure you are getting the minerals and vitamins you need. That is one of the concerns in long term fasts.

Fasting is boring, so if you have the money and time, there are fasting trips you can take in places like Costa Rica. Like this place:


I am not recommending this place, as I have never been there, it’s just an example of a fasting retreat that is medically supervised.

I agree that you probably also need to address your relationship to food, but if you have the time and money, you can work on that when you get back in your new slimmer state. It could be that after 2 months away you may find some habits, and a lot of food issues are habits, will be broken.


I can’t speak on a two month fast. As long as your hydrating and getting your electrolytes maybe? It’s excessive tho and you’re looking to get out of the hole you’re in. I get that too. But it’s a run not a sprint. Fast Sunday - Thursday once a month and change your diet.

What I can speak on most is the binging. As a sugar addict myself, appreciating that you are one helps.

You don’t have a problem with binging food, you have problem with a refined carbohydrate addiction. It makes us fatter and hungrier, because it’s inadequate nutrition so we eat more. What you need is to maximize nutrition to keep from binging - good fats and protein. If you crave sugar, have more fat. Look into r/Keto for recipes. Also always have nuts around, they’re brain food. Fatty acids stimulate the production is mood stabilizing hormones so while a sugary treat feels nice fat is what you really need during this late nite study sessions. Always keep all kinds of nuts around and cheese. Try putting butter in your coffee for morning studying aka “Bullet Proof Coffee”.

This also helps with post fast binges. Ease into it with cooked eggs or fresh and raw for minimal digestion maximum nutrition.

Check out intermittent fasting subs and learn to eat within a window as well. Always carry nuts in your backpack.


It probably isn’t worth it to go over 2 weeks because of how much it will slow down your metabolism. If you wanna go long. Do a week or two and then eat once a day for 4-5 days and then you and start doing 72s 96s. Re-evaluate after that. If you’re asking if you can I would say possibly if you have a lot of body fat to live off of. Most I’ve gone was 11 days and for about 4 days once I was done every time I ate it would nearly always make me sleep or want to sleep if I couldn’t because I could tell it slowed my metabolism down.


The issue isn’t your ability to fast. It’s your ability to refeed. Recommend practicing eating first so that you don’t waste another fast just gaining everything back when life gets stressful again (which, spoiler - it will).


I wonder if you should reframe things a bit. You tasted through June, and during that month you said no to eating. Maybe rather than try to go a full sixty days of fasting, work on your relationship with food a bit? If the problem is binging after you fast, it probably doesn’t matter if you fast 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days if you are still going to binge. I’d suggest keeping with the thirty day fasting and then when you are back in feeding mode, eat slowly and remain thoughtful about what you do eat. You already know that you can deal with hunger. I honestly struggle with a similar mindset, so As simple as I ammaking it sound, I know it’s hard af.


To avoid the binge eating, I find if you do rolling 72s or something similar but no limits to what you can eat or how much during your refeed windows, it seems to help long term… 🤷‍♂️

Not sure exactly what your situation was and how you were doing the snake diet before, but you did amazing in the past already. You have the discipline for the fasting, just do something that’s more maintainable and enjoyable, but be consistent and keep going long term 🤷‍♂️

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